Chapter 4

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It had been a week since rehearsals had begun and this week, they were aiming to practice the dance scene. Something Yuya wasn't comfortable doing. Currently he was in the living room, the furniture pushed back to allow more space to practice. Yuya sat on the sofa, nervous of the thought of needing to be held so close to Yugo, who was sat next to him. Yugo, unknown to Yuya how, was completely calm about the situation. He would say things along the line of, "Who better than my best friend to share my first acting experience with?" He would also say that with a large smile on his face.

As Emi finished rolling up the rug, she sighed, knowing that the task at hand was tricky. How do you teach someone to be the girl? Teaching girls to dance is easy, naturally they follow their partner but boys naturally take the lead. Rubbing her forehead, she wasn't sure she was prepared for the challenge ahead. "Alright boys, up you get," She ordered and the boys did just that. The boys stood, their bodies facing each other however Yuya, due to his nerves, refused to look Yugo in the eyes. Emi groaned, just how much work were these two going to cause. She made it so Yuya's left hand was held by Yugo's right, while his other hand was placed on his partners shoulder. "Comfy?" She asked the boys who just simply nodded. "Alright then shall we begin?"

A couple hours later and Emi sat on the floor, head slumped over in defeated. Yuya laughed nervously as he pulled away from Yugo. Neither of the boys seemed to be able to gain the rhythm and rather than portraying a beautiful dance it was a case of bumps, stumbles and foot stomping. "We'll try again another day," Yugo proclaimed. "I should be getting home anyway."

Yuya nodded as he walked Yugo to the door. "I'll look up some tutorials," Yuya mumbled. "Perhaps they'll help."

"Guess I'll do the same," Yugo laughed bidding farewell to Yuya as he left the door.

Yuya expected the dance to come naturally to him, perhaps it was because he was dancing with another boy? Maybe it was even due to the fact that he was nervous dancing with his best friend. Either way, it began to feel hopeless. He felt sorry for his sister who was merely trying her best to ensure the two gave outstanding performances. Opening his mouth to speak, Yuya was interrupted by the sound of his phone. Curious he pulled it out of his pocket, noticing the call I.d. Yuto. Yuya's race and he gulped before pressing the receive button. "Hi Yuto," He greeted. Emi looked up at her brother raising an eye. Yuto? Why did that name sound familiar to her? "Meet up? Sure, where was you thinking? Yeah, I can be there in about 15 minutes." As he hung up the phone, he noticed the weird look on Emi's face. "It's a new friend. He just wants to meet up." 

"Be back by dinner," Was all Emi said, standing up to replace the rug and move the furniture back to its rightful places.

"Thanks sis," Yuya ran upstairs to get changed. What he hadn't told people was that he had brought into a few feminine items. If anyone asked, he would simply say that it was research purposes and to get ideas on how his ideal Cinderella would dress. It seemed a good enough excuse. He chose to wear the medium length black skirt he brought along with a plain white buttoned up shirt accompanied by a black cardigan. Now to sneak out the house. As he turned to leave his room he remembered, he wanted to wear the scarf again. He loved the feel of the scarf as he wrapped it around his neck. His parents had asked where he had gotten the scarf, all he would say was it was a gift.

Once he knew the path was clear Yuya left swiftly through the front door. As he walked down the path, his heart rate increased. For some reason whenever he went to speak to Yuto he always found himself flustered, maybe it was due to the embarrassing fact he was dressed as a girl (and he looked well styled too) but maybe, just maybe he was developing feelings for the dark hair mystery boy. As he approached, he could hear that familiar voice call his name. Yuto sat on the wall of the park entrance a loving smile on his face that made Yuya blushed deeply. He beckoned Yuya over to seat beside him, so Yuya happily complied. "You look nice this evening," Yuto complimented as he handed over a travel cup. "I got us some tea."

Yuya was taken back by the kind gesture and took hold of the cup with both hands. "Thank you for this," Yuya blushed. "So, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

Yuto shuck his head. "I just felt like seeing you is all," He blushed avoiding Yuya's gaze. "How was the dance practice today?" Yuya shuddered at the memory of how he constantly stepped on Yugo's feet. "That well, I see. They really need to hire a professional again."

"Again?" Yuya mimicked.

"Yeah," Yuto said looking up as Yuya again. "The dance teacher was wonderful, she was also the school counsellor. She helped me a lot back in my first year but when I entered by second year she fell ill. She died the night of the annual production where her son was actually meant to play the lead."

Yuya's heart broke hearing that story. From the way Yuto spoke about her she was clearly very important to not only him but to the school. "She sounds wonderful," Yuya smiled taking Yuto's hand she saw a small tear fall. "If you ever need to talk about anything, I'll listen."

"I appreciate that Yuya," Yuto smiled. He let out a small hum as he placed his head of Yuya's shoulder. "Mind if we just stay like this for a while?"

Yuya shuck his head. He didn't mind, not one bit. In fact he wished they could stay the way they were for a long time.

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