Chapter 7

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Twiddling his fingers together, a nervous Yuya sat on the bench, waiting patiently for his date to arrive. With the weather becoming chiller Yuya had to try and adjust his outfit so he still appeared feminine to Yuto. Embarrassingly he admitted, he may or may not have stuffed his shirt a little, finding one of his sister's old bras and using tissue to make him look a bit fuller. Fortunately, he already had a feminine figure so all he had to work out was his chest area. He was certainly nervous, it was his first date since, well since ever. His heart couldn't stop pounding and his palms were sweaty but he was happy too.

This weekend was the weekend Yugo asked if he wanted to stay over and rehearse their lines but on the advice of his teacher and sister, Yuya had to tell Yugo he was taking a break this weekend and meeting up with a friend. He left Yugo feeling guilty, especially when he saw a defeated look in Yugo's eyes. "Good morning," Yuya looked up, snapping out of his thought. There he was, his handsome first date. "Where would you like to head to first?"

"M-morning Yuto," Yuya stood up looking Yuto in the face. "I well, since it's cold what about a movie?"

Yuto sat on the thought for moment before agreeing with the thought. "What type of movies do you like?" He asked as he grabbed hold of Yuya's hand and began leading the way. "Romance, comedy, I don't mind the family films sometimes myself."

"I wouldn't mind a comedy," Yuya blushed his hand trying to adjust to the feel of Yuto's. "I hear there are a couple of good reviews for the latest comedy."

"Then we'll see that," Yuto proclaimed, squeezing Yuya's hand lightly. "How about we grab some lunch afterwards?"

"Okay," Yuya beamed as he squeezed his date's hand back, almost as if to say he was comfortable.

Arriving at the movies they made their way to the counter to purchase their tickets. Yuya clung tightly onto Yuto's arm as he insisted on paying for the tickets. "Okay but I'll get the drinks," Yuya insisted causing his date to laugh.

At the concession stand Yuya blushed as he overheard an elderly couple, who stared as they purchased their snacks. He could hear how the couple described them as "cute" and how "young love" still existed. "Seems like we make a good match," Yuto laughed as the journey proceed to their screen. Yuya blushed deeper, he was sure by now that his face was so bright it was lighting up with movie screen. "Relax. Try have fun and don't worry about other people." The seats Yuto had brought were in the midsection and seemed to be the perfect height so you wouldn't have to hurt your neck looking up at the screen. Though, Yuya found it strange that Yuto purchased the luxury seats, which meant they were recliners, similar to what you would have at home, and came with their own mini table attached. All the seats in the section came as twos, perfect for a couple on a date. Yuto sat on the right while Yuya sat on his left. Yuya was taken back when Yuto moved the arm rest seperating them up. He simple stared as Yuto sat with his arms open. "Well, you going to join me or is this the part of the date where I'm getting rejected?" He laughed and Yuya rapidly shuck his head. With a gulp he lent over, placing his head on Yuto's shoulder to allow his date to wrap his arm around him. "That would have been a bit embarrassing if you hadn't accepted that."

Yuya giggled to himself as he shuffled trying to get a bit more comfortable. Somehow, the position they were in now, made him feel safe, loved even. It was a dream come true. Throughout the movie, you could tell it certainly lived up to its reviews. Though, half way through the move Yuya fell uncomfortable as he noticed the couple beside them had decided to start a make out session. Yuya didn't mind so much, each person to their own, however it gave him thoughts. Thoughts that went back to that dream where Yuto kissed him and thoughts of how Yuto would react if he kissed him.

Once the movie finished, the exited the building, Yuto stretched his arms upwards, feeling a bit stiff from the way they sat. "I know a nice little café on 10th street," Yuto blushed. "Want to head there next?"

Yuya smiled widely as he grabbed hold of Yuto's arm, nodding a yes.

Though it was cold, the sun still shined on the day. Fortunately, the park was on their way to the café, so Yuya, giggling to himself, dragged Yuto through it hoping that they could stop by the swings. "I'm having a realy wonder-"

As Yuya spoke he was interrupted by a loud yell. "Yuya!" He turned, his heart flustered and his face turned pink. It was Yugo and he didn't look impressed as he marched towards the couple. "The heck are you doing hanging around this guy?"

'This guy'? Yuya thought to himself. It wasn't clear on what Yugo could possible mean by that sentence? Did Yuto have a reputation that he wasn't aware of? "I think you should leave us alone," Yuto demanded softly, his hand gripping tightly onto Yuyu's arm causing Yuya to wince slightly. "My damsel accompanied me here today and you are making the date unpleasant."

Yugo's eyes widened in shock and Yuya tried to hide his face. He let out a small squeal as Yugo dragged him by the wrist, pulling him away from Yuto. "This guy is the friend you were meeting up with?" Yugo screamed shaking Yuya. He was slient for a moment, noticing how Yuya was dressed, it was definitely girly. Yuya watched as Yugo's face turned dark and he smirked towards Yuto. "Oh I see, this is why you've been wearing your costume more, to make this guy think you're a girl." Yuto's face remained stern, not saying anything and showing no expression. "Well does you know Yuya is really a guy?"

"Yugo shut up," Yuya cried pulling himself away from Yugo. With teary eyes he looked over to Yuto, his expression not changing. That;s when Yuya broke complete, the tears rushed down his face like a waterfall. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." 

Yuya took a few small steps back before ultimately turning and running to somewhere. Anywhere that was away from Yugo and Yuto. He just wanted to get away before things became worse. Before he could embarrass himself further, though as he ran, he never noticed his scarf falling to the floor.

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