Sorry Kiadou

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(Disclaimer sorry about spelling errors.  They will continue to happen and im typing this out on my phone.   So either deal with it or dont.  I may edit in the future)

Saiki rushed out after him but ultimately let him go. 

Kaidou got home and saw his mom making dinner.

"Sweety! What took so long! You know we'll have to go over 'the talk tomorrow.   Its almost already dinner time and you need to study after you eat." She went off on her tirade of studying and being on time, and of course responsibility.  

"Mom." He interupted fidling with his bandages. 

"Yes?" She asked as she chopped lettuce, she paused a moment to make eye contact.   Eye contact is extremly important. 

"Uhm do you think we could have 'a talk now?'  And maybe uhm order in so we can.   I have... questions." He asked nerviously

"Oh." She set her knife down.  "Of course we will just have this tomorrow then." She said as she packed up the food to put away and handed her son a take out form and the phone.  Kaidou called in the usual and sat at the table trembling.

Kaidous mom finally made her way over.  

"So sweety what is it? Thoughts? Dreams? You have an eye on a pretty girl?" She raised an eyebrow.   As she asked sitting in the seat across from her son. 

"Uhm... I have feelings... I think.   And i actually almost did something with this person.. i REALLY wanted to.. but I just got scared." 

"Oh honey..."  she sighed.  "Listen dear, as your mother I am going to obviously say you shouldnt be doing amything with anyone, or wait till marrige.  You are still my baby and i dont like thinking about you participating in such... adult activities.  BUT i know you are gonna do it.  No matter what I say I know about teen hormones. But im glad you didnt so we can talk first.   But go ahead and tell me what you did sweety... " 

"I didnt plan it he kinda just came onto me suddenly! Like it just somehow escalated quickly.." he trailed off seeing his moms face and replayed what he said in his head... he he he he he he he he he he i said he he he he he he.  His voice saying he repalyed like a bad skipping cd "MOM OH GOD I DIDNT..." he lost his words again and started getting teary again and was afraid this is whem hed lose his mom.

"Honey... be honest.   Is it a boy?"  She asked quietly

"Yeah.. but like I dont know.  I didn't know I liked that.  I always liked a friend.  I thought he was good looking.   But I dont know if im... you know.."

"Gay?" She asked

"Yeah... gay.  I dont know if im gay.  But he was on top of me.. and like we kissed and i liked it and felt safe and nice... but i didnt want to... you know."


"Yeah.. I think it may have gotten to that if i didnt run away.   I just..  I never kissed anyone..  i didnt expect to be in this situation with anyone for a looong time.  I mean.   No one likes me mom.  Im not popular or cool and girls dont actually fall for me...." 

"Honey.  Do not ever make your decision to sleep with someone based on attention.   I know you want someone to flirt or fall for you but you deserve dates and hand holding and someone to listen.  But do not do it because its thw only person currently wanting you.    This person is not your only option in life."

"Yeah.. I understand.   But I'm confused mom.   I - I dont know if i like boys or girls or both.  I dont know what I want because Im not the one who get hit on.  Im not the one who has to worry about that because it was never even an option to explore with anyone.   So now I just feel weird.   Like i dont know myself.   I dont feel... you know."

"Strong?" She asked knowing her sons persona. 

"Yeah.  Like... "

"Go on sweety"

"Like if Im gay... if i like him then he would be the strong one.  He was on top of me taking lead.  I felt vulnerable and kinda like... the girl of the situation.   NOT THAT GIRLS ARE WEAK.  But I just wanna be the strong one and protect people but with him i feel like maybe those roles would be reversed."

"Darling.  No matter what you do in the bedroom, it doesnt change who you are.   Sometimes the strongest men need to be little spoon too.  That is OKAY.  Honey, if you want to be the strong protector then you can be, but sometimes let someone protect you.   I feel better knowing this person would watch out for you." 

Ding ding
Theres the doorbell. 

Kaidou and his mom sat quietly watching tv occsionally chiming in with a question and answer here and there.  

Kaidou was nervous to see saiki again.   Maybe he could avoid him a couple days. 

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