34| Getaways & Lost

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❝Just because her eyes don't tear, doesn't mean that her heart doesn't weep.❞

Maybe, it was a sense of loneliness or dare I say, vulnerability, which had me blabbering things that I wasn't supposed to, wasn't ready  to, but, unfortunately shit happens

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Maybe, it was a sense of loneliness or dare I say, vulnerability, which had me blabbering things that I wasn't supposed to, wasn't ready to, but, unfortunately shit happens.

I didn't like it, in fact I hated how it turned out. It just felt awkward and really weird to me, I was used to handling my life or my mess on my own and then, suddenly saying how I felt out loud to someone was.... nerve wracking. What was he thinking? I hope he didn't think that I was being an attention seeker or something.

But all of those worries left me, all the storms were tamed as his arms wrapped around my body, giving me warmth and a homely feeling.

"I was worried that you forgot our address, Giggles, really" Dad said in a dramatic voice and hugged me tightly, just as he saw me standing at the front door.

I didn't really plan to come, but that was the only place my mind offered and unwillingly, I surrendered. I just knew that, I wanted to get away from there, leave everything behind just for a while and forget.

I rolled my eyes against his shoulder and muttered "I don't have Alzheimer, Dad"

He pulled away with big grin, happiness looking so gorgeous on him and chuckled "Still perfect as ever. Come on, kiddo, Delia would be so happy to see you here"

Closing the door behind, Dad put his arm around my shoulder as I stepped inside my home, which was more haunting than any house of horror out there. The memories were almost suffocating and painful.

Those cream and pale blue colored walls, decorated with portraits, the soft feathery carpet tickling beneath my feet, same decoration and same addictive smell, nothing changed a bit.

"Surprise, surprise. Look who's here!" Dad announced cheerfully, making Delia turn around from the stove and her eyes widen, glee adorned her features, mixed with a gentle shock.

"Oh my god, Winter! I missed you so much, darling" She burst, coming towards me and engulfed me in a warm hug, squeezing me.

I let out a sigh and chuckled, returning the favor and said "I missed you too, Delia. Tell me, how do you look so younger and younger every time, I see you?

She laughed blissfully and pulled away, looking at me, her copper tinted eyes glowing and said "Oh sush! You should look at yourself, more and more beautiful with every visit. You probably got men falling at your feet, at your complete mercy"

"And I got Mk14 in my closet, just putting it out there" Dad's voice chimed from behind, like he was talking about something completely normal.

"Shut up, George! She's a grown woman and knows what she is doing" Delia scolded, playfully, keeping me close to her. Delusions and more delusions.

Her Hidden Self |  ✓Where stories live. Discover now