42| Whiskey & Suffering

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She's not made of sugar and spice and everything nice. But, rather fire and lightening and everything frightening.

People see the smoldering flames and the raging winds and they think that she's strong, they think that she's powerful.

But, in reality, she just tends to burn herself down

Roaring of music at its highest ear deafening range numbed my senses, applying a temporary bandage to my invisible wounds

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Roaring of music at its highest ear deafening range numbed my senses, applying a temporary bandage to my invisible wounds. Moisture evaporated from my tongue and burned in the back of my throat, leaving me with an effervescent sensation as I took a big gulp of whiskey.

My legs dangled down lazily, I had been sitting in the same stool for hours, drowning myself in alcohol, watching all those people doing the same, while others tried to find an escape in dancing or drinking.

They were wild and reckless, away from world's chaos and losing themselves on the dance floor, where I spotted my friends too. Just as we got here, it didn't take me long to cut connection from everyone and find myself a seat to sit beside my loneliness.

Heavy consumption of liquor just to forget things and run away from problems had never been me, but again I never knew who or what I really was.

When that empty part continued missing him and guilt started to feel bitter on my tongue, that's when I grabbed the nearest glass of whiskey, longing for something to hold onto as I felt myself slipping away from me.

It had been too much though, but at that moment, I couldn't care less. I wanted to shout, to tell the world that if I ever get lost, please don't try to find me, I am running away until I realized that the only one who would be too stubborn to obey was no longer there to hear it

- And the world really wouldn't bother to find me.

My eyes felt weird and heavy and my vision blurred as if with heat laced tears. There was a lump in my throat scorching as I continued to soak in whiskey. It started hurting, but that pain felt nothing like how I actually felt inside.

I didn't stop and ordered another glass. I chugged down a fifth one by myself and everybody around me was too busy enjoying themselves to wonder how empty I had to be in order to do that.

Sip by sip I fell into it's brisk intoxicated trap and again his thoughts kicked their way in my mind. Those cherished moments were now a memory, the images of his smile now had dust layered on it, an accidentally spilled secret had no regret whatsoever.

I let my head fall back emptying the glass and my heart too. Longing of my soul mocked me, stinging inside.

Tell me whose name made you drink to forget yours?

Roughly I put the glass down and glared at the fragile transparent substance. It was not enough. Later, rubbed my eyes, when water started to fill my vision.

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