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I woke up to what sounded like yelling downstairs. Despite my lack of a will to get out of bed, I had no other choice but to get up and get myself ready for the day.

I decided I would simply wear some sweats and a tank top, seeing as how my heart was too heavy to care about how I looked. My hair was simply put into a messy bun, and once I looked in the mirror I noticed that my eyes were red and puffy from my inability to stop crying last night. I wouldn't be surprised if I actually cried in my sleep as well.

A sigh escaped my lips as I exited the bedroom and made my way to the bathroom, doing my morning business and cleaning myself up before I finally made my way downstairs to investigate the source of the yelling.

As I got closer to the living room which seemed to be where the yelling was coming from, I recognized a familiar voice that was amongst the yelling.

My feet finally carried me around the corner and I came across Harrison, Alexander and my one and only best friend Olivia going back and forth with each other while Annelise stood a little farther from the group looking confused about the whole situation.

"Harrison I swear to the moon goddess that I will tear your man balls from in between your legs if you don't tell me where she is!" screamed Liv as she poked Harrison's chest with a manicured finger.

"Olivia if you don't get out of my face you will regret it. Don't push me because I'm not afraid to whoop your ass." Harrison growled out as he stood his ground against the viper that is my best friend.

"I think we should take this outside before you two wake up the whole house." Alexander said as he tried coaxing them into going outside which only caused Olivia to turn her blazing glare onto him.

"Oh you think I give two flying dicks about who the hell gets woken up!? I want to know where Eliza is and I want to know now!" She yelled in his face which wasn't the best idea seeing as how his eyes flashed to a bright gold before going back to their normal hazel, indicating that she was pushing her boundaries when it came to the alpha male.

I had a feeling that i needed to step in, but I waited and watched as Liv took her rage out on everyone.

"Um, honey I think we should give her some time to cool off, and-" Annelise started, but before she could finish her sentence Olivia was already facing her and just about ready to murder the woman who she could smell was a human.

"Ooooh you should've stayed quiet, little lamb. I'm not gonna cool off until you people give me my best friend back." She said and I sighed as I figured now was the time to step in.

I entered the living room, and the first to notice was of course Alexander who's intense gaze held mine for only a second before I looked away from him, and approached Olivia who's attention quickly turned to me as I made my way over to her with open arms.

A look of relief flooded her face as she rushed into my arms and hugged me tightly.  A small sob escaped her lips as she buried her face in the crook of my neck and cried her heart out.

I could feel the love, relief and worry she had for me as she cried into my shoulder. I held her close as I rubbed her head, tears of my own slipping down my cheeks as I realized how much I missed her presence.

"I'm okay, Liv. Don't cry, I'm perfectly fine." I told her as I tried convincing her of my well being.

"You just disappeared on me, you bitch. I've been looking for you everywhere since I realized you never came home from your run." She said as she sniffled and finally looked me in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, hun. It really wasn't my fault though. I was chased into this territory by some rogues and I got injured, so this bastard of an Alpha decided he'd hold me captive because well..." I looked at Annelise then at Alexander and back to Liv before telling her.

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