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Alexander's POV

I woke up with a start, a light weight on my chest as I looked down to find Annelise sleeping soundly ontop of me. A small smile played on my lips until my wolf popped into my head.

'This is wrong and you know it.' He said.

A sigh escaped my lips as I gently manuevered Annelise to her side of the bed. Thank god she was a extra deep sleeper. I climbed out of bed and went straight for the bathroom, getting myself ready for the day before heading downstairs. The morning was as normal as usual, I walked into the kitchen, my eyes immediately zoning in on the spot that I last saw her standing only to find Denise washing a few dishes as she prepeared to make breakfast for everyone.

"Good morning, Denise. I'm hoping you slept well?" I said as I walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

"As well as any old woman could get." She said, moving around the kitchen to gather her ingredients.

"That's good to know." I said as I grabbed one of my green smoothies from the fridge, and quickly drank it, cringing at the taste that I knew I'd never get used to.

"How's Miss Eliza?" She asked me.

My body immediately tensed as memories from last night flashed through my head before disappearing as I looked back at Denise.

"Uh she looks like she's healed, so I guess she's doing alright." I told her.

"And how's she taking your marriage?" She asked me.

I stayed silent as I was caught off guard by her taking notice of our situation. She sighed as she turned towards me, staring me down with her dark brown eyes filled with knowledge thats beyond my years.

"You didn't think I would notice she's your true mate?" She questioned as she raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

I sighed heavily as I leaned against the fridge and ran my fingers through my hair, a habit that I started when I was younger.

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice to be honest." I said.

"Alexander I am practically your mother at this point. There is no way I wouldn't have noticed the way you looked at her when you brought her home that first night. That poor girl must be heartbroken." She sighed as she turned her back to me to continue her cooking.

My eyes trained on the floor as the feelings of guilt and regret poured into my heart. I knew the pain I had been putting her through, and yet I was too stubborn to let her go. I knew it wasn't right to keep her here and yet I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye.

"I can't give her up, Denise." I told her.

"Then you had better find a way to win her back, and get rid of that little fairy you have upstairs." She told me matter of factly.

"How am I going to do that? We just got married and I-I love her.." I said, frustration building in the pit of my stomach.

Denise turned quickly and walked over to me before grabbing my jaw and staring deep into my eyes.

"Listen here, boy. It's either your true mate or the human you will outlive by hundreds of years. I'm gonna tell you right now that you don't love that woman the way you will love your mate. You love the idea of having a perfect wife such as her, but no woman is perfect when you truly come to love them. Trust me I am over 100 yrs old, and have seen this same exact scenario happen to plenty of mates, some who managed to be together and some who lived in misery because they made the wrong choice. Now I am hoping you are smart enough to make the right one, because boy trust and believe that if you don't, you will wish you did." She said before letting me go and turning back to her food prep.

Her Married MateWhere stories live. Discover now