Chapter 4: Hidden

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They were undoubtedly vampires. Anya pressed her back closer to the tree behind her.

"Hello," She whispered cautiously as she took in their appearances. Skin as pale as the snow surrounding them, chiseled features, and a distinct look of hunger in their eyes. Anya flinched back as the female vampire reached forward. Pausing, the vampire spoke,

"I'm Alice and this is Jasper."

Anya remained stiff in her place against the tree, unwilling to look up at her possible killers.

"You must be Anya," The vampire continued.

Risking a glance upwards, Anya was startled to see two pools of molten gold staring back at her.

"You...are like father?" Anya questioned. Peering behind the brunette, she concluded that the blond vampire also had striking gold eyes like her father.

"It would appear so," Alice hummed with a smile.

"Did father send you?" Anya questioned as tears gathered in her eyes. "If father sent you then..."

There was a shuffle in the snow as the blond vampire, now known as Jasper, stepped forward. With his steps came an overwhelming sense of tranquility.

"Your father is perfectly well, I can assure you," Alice spoke with a smile. The smile was short-lived, however, as Alice momentarily froze. With a startled gasp, Alice's face took on a determined mask as she spoke, "As long as we go now."

Shifting her weight, Anya watched as the vampire reached for her.

"Can I trust them?" Anya thought to herself as she debated running.

"Alice..." Jasper spoke with caution, "She is still weary of us. You are scaring her."

At this, her reaching hands paused. A thoughtful look overtook her features as she murmured to herself,

"Right, of course."

Confused, Anya watched the small vampire mutter to herself chidingly. Giggling, she reached forward and tugged on Alice's brown leather jacket.

"You are from Carlisle's coven, aren't you?" She questioned, flashing a smile upwards.

"Yes, ma'am we are," The blond vampire cut in.

"We went in search of proof that Renesmee poses no threat to the vampire world. We have found it, but we must go now if we wish to prevent battle," Alice spoke.

"Am I to go with you?" Anya questioned. "Father said it would be unsafe..." She continued.

With a pause, Alice seemed to momentarily loose herself again. Coming out of her reverie, she looked down at the teen with a confused frown.

"Alice?" Jasper questioned, feeling his wife's confusion.

Glancing back, she spoke,

"I...I can't...It is hard to see anything clear. Everything is hazy."

Furrowing his brows, Jasper turned his gaze to the human before them.

"I think she should come with us Jazz. She may not be safe here," Alice spoke.

A light tug on her jacket was enough to snap Alice's attention back to Anya.

"Father said for me to stay here because it is forbidden for a human..." Anya trailed off uneasily.

"To know of our kind without intention to change," Alice finished.

The air felt thick as Anya watched the two vampires silently debate what to do.

"I could stay by the tree line," Anya proposed. "Edward said I will be fine as long as I am in the tree line."

The two vampires soaked up the idea before nodding. Crouching down, Alice waited for Anya.

"Anything for Renesmee," Anya thought with a smile as she settled herself onto Alice's back.

In an instant, trees blurred around them as they traveled toward the battlefield. The trip was over in what felt like mere moments to Anya. The stop was so sudden that she had no time to brace herself as she catapulted over Alice's shoulder. Jasper was quick to catch the trembling teen in his arms, saving her from a head first encounter with a tree.

"Thank you, Jasper," Anya stuttered in a frazzled whisper.

With a tight jaw, Jasper forced a small nod as he settled Anya onto her feet.

"Make sure to stay here Anya," Alice spoke in a whisper as she glanced behind them at the clearing. "Do not stray from behind the trees."

Feeling Anya's concern, Jasper spoke,

"We will be fine."

Unconvinced, Anya offered a reluctant nod. Turning, the two vampires began their walk towards the clearing. Just before exiting the final layer of trees, Jasper felt a spike in Anya's emotions. Curiosity. At this he paused and threw one last glance at Anya.

"Hidden," He spoke in a firm command, before exiting the trees.

Chapter 4 is complete! Make sure to leave me some comments and let me know what you think. Alec makes his appearance next chapter! Are you excited?

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