Chapter 22

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Chase's POV

"But there are securities all around that house."

"Yeah I know we just come with our gangs to deal with them while we go in to meet Ryan, the gang leader of the black shadows. So are we all fine now?" They all nodded. "You can all go now and Nelson don't forget to bring the guns okay?"

"Yea I won't." he said before walking out the room. Ace came towards me.

"Hey man. Have you told Ashley yet about our gang?" he asked.

"I am planning to tell her this night." I said, looking around maybe she's back yet. I couldn't find her anywhere. I spotted Michelle sitting on a couch drinking. "I'll be right back." I said.

I started making my way to her. Once she saw me, she smiled. I moved to her ear.

"Have you seen Ashley?" I asked she look at me surprised.

"I thought she already came back from the toilet and she's with you."

"No, she's not. When did she tell you she's going to the toilet?" I asked too curious to know.

"About 30 minutes ago." she looked at me scared. "Where could she be? she told me she will come back to this room. Once she's done." She said terrified. "We have to go and look for her."

"Okay, I will just call the others to help."

"I just hope she's downstairs somewhere."

"I'm sure she's there. Don't worry we'll find her." I said assuring her and myself. she nodded and got up from the chair. "I will just go and check the warehouse." I nodded. She quickly walked to the door and left.

I walked back to Ace. "Ace can you tell the others to start looking for Ashley in this house, while I look for her too." I said starring at him.

"What?!!! What's going on? Is she missing?"

"If she wasn't I wouldn't ask you to help me look for her." I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. "I am going to Nelson to ask him what he said to her. Because I told him to tell her the way to the toilet. Can you and Mason help me look for her?"

"Okay. Don't worry. I'm sure she's still in this house." he assured me. I nodded before finding my way to the door.

I walked out of the door and went down the stairs. I looked around till I spotted Nelson talking to a guy. I quickly walked to him and pulled his arm till we reached out of the house.

"Man, what's wrong?"

"What did you say to Ashley?"

"I just told her the way to the toilet as you asked. What's wrong?!" I stare at him straight in the eye, looking for any lie in them. He's one of my close friends and I can trust him.

"The last time I saw her was when I left you to talk to her." I said. I have this bad feeling that I just can't explain. I hope she's still in this ho-

I was cut off my thoughts with Michelle calling my name. I turned around to look at her. She looks really scared and nervous.

"On my way to the warehouse, I found her phone on the floor." she said. Showing me her phone.

Mason and Ace came running to me. Once they reached me, they both rest their hands on their knees breathing heavily. "We checked everywhere. She's nowhere to be found." Ace said between catching his breath.

I took Ashley's phone from Michelle's hand. It might be of use in finding Ashley.


Ashley's POV

My back really hurts. I move my hand to touch my back. But I can't move it. I try again but still can't move it. I try to move my hands up but I can't.

I guess it's time to open my eyes. I open my eyes slowly not wanting to see any bright lights on my face. Since I don't see any bright light as I used to when I open my eyes every morning. I decided to open it wide.

But I was met with darkness. I make sure I blink several times. But was still met with the same darkness. Have I gone blind? No, it can't be. I can't be blind. I can't miss the opportunity of seeing my parents' beautiful faces.

The thought of that made me scream. I kept on screaming "help" or "Chase". I stopped when I heard the sound of a door opening. I hear footsteps entering this place or room and closing the door. Suddenly I hear the light switch on.

The first thing I saw was a guy dressed in all black: black jeans, a black T-shirt, with black converse.

So I wasn't blind. Thank you, Lord. I got a bit relieved. Wait..... who is that guy? I looked back up and Oh my this guy is handsome with that sharp jaw and the scar on his right cheek. Making him more handsome. It looks perfect there.

But not as handsome as Chase. Really not. What? Just stating the fact.

Wait a minute........ when did this guy come this close to my face? "Uhm dude, can you move-" Why can't I move my hands to push this guy back? I tried to move my body but I couldn't.

I looked down for the first time. Seeing my body tide up on a chair and still, in the same cloth I put on, on my first invited party. Just the first day of going to my first ever party and this happens. Wow!!! My life!!!

I look back up at the guy and one question popped on my head. Which I decided to ask.

"Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare, with the name Ryan."



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