Chapter Six- Tension.

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(The video is one of my favourite songs atm. You either love it or hate it. Isn't that right? mattyhutch ;) )

Hope you enjoy the update; it's a bit short :(

Will's Pov

"No, no- hear me out!" Freddie wheezes, clutching his aching stomach and choking on uncontrollable laughter.

"Alright, alright" I raise my hands up, my body shaking with violent hysterics.

"So like... Jesus could've just been unconscious right? It was the olden days so they thought that he had died, like his eyes are closed right? Aaaand BAM, he wakes up the next day- or whatever- and just walks out!"

I shake my head- eyes sparkling. He's so weird's adorable.

"It makes so much more sense though!!!" he insists.

We explode into thundering chuckles- though mine sound more like ecstatic giggles. It lasts for around five minutes, until we're unsure why we started laughing in the first place.

I wipe a stray tear of off his face, catching the small trickle of water with a shaking fingertip. It seeps into my skin, with some pooling down the sides of my finger; dripping onto the floor.

We sit in silence for a moment, eyes meeting in a collision of tension and confusion.

I withdraw my hand back to my lap, intertwining it with its right hand twin.

There's a feeling in the air that I can't recognise- it's undeniably foreign and confusing.

The moment passes when Freddie jokingly pushes at my side, whining
"I'm hungrrrry, can we get some food?"

And I smile, call my mum into my room and we order a takeaway.

As I munch down on the greasy, cheese covered pizza- I glance towards the clock,


Huh. I smile slightly.

Freddie seems to be destroying the strict schedule that I was so obsessed with just days before.


"What's your favourite colour?"

I question, out of nowhere. Freddie looks up from fiddling with crusts of his garlic bread- a slight grin on his face.


I splutter slightly, choking on a laugh.

"What on earth is that?"

He looks at me, smiling even wider, his eyes creasing in obvious amusement.

"It's a sorta bluey grey" he explains, a crooked tooth in his mouth winking at me.

"Well my favourite colour is lemon yellow! You know? Something normal" I state, pushing at his side and sticking out my tongue.

Freddie stares at me once again, an odd look shining in his sparkling eyes. His gaze seems to focus on my mouth...on my lips. My eyes widen, my heart rate quickens, my stomach flutters-

Then he looks away.

And I sigh slightly, an uncontrollable feeling of disappointment shining through.


Evil fingers grip at the sides of my waist, tickling the sensitive flesh that sits there. I open my eyes, choking out a yawn-mixed-laugh. I must have fallen asleep again.

"Freddie!" I complain, "Stooop!"

The attack to my ticklish spots grows unbearable, gasping breaths spilling from my lips.

After a while, all movement stops- our breathless laughs mixing together. Freddie looks at me, looks into my eyes, looks at my mouth.

He moves, as if to pull away, but the he slips and then he's falling and-

He kisses me.

Stilted breaths merge into one as our lips collide- a mix of gentle caresses and passionate touches. It carries on for ages, breathing becoming increasingly difficult; yet neither one of us want to pull away.


We're interrupted by a buzzing phone call. Freddie moves away to answer it- his hands quickly slipping from my waist.

"Yeah?...oh alright...yeah I'll be there soon...bye" he mutters into the irritating device.

"T-that was my m-mum" he stutters, bashful eyes refusing to meet mine, a sharp blush rising up his cheeks, "She said that I had to go home now s-so I should probably do that...go home"

And he leaves my room, stumbling in an awkward rush of messy hair and wrinkled clothes.

I rush a hand through my own tangled locks, a tired feeling bombarding me.

I could really use some sleep.


The road trip went well but I was soo tired when I got back home! Sorry for the lack of updates lately- my life is full of flash cards and revision packs at the moment, I actually wrote most of this on the bus back home lol

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The road trip went well but I was soo tired when I got back home! Sorry for the lack of updates lately- my life is full of flash cards and revision packs at the moment, I actually wrote most of this on the bus back home lol.

The road trip went well but I was soo tired when I got back home! Sorry for the lack of updates lately- my life is full of flash cards and revision packs at the moment, I actually wrote most of this on the bus back home lol

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter- a cheeky lil' kiss! Though we never did get a chance to see their full reactions?

Stupid phone calls...

Next chapter should be fun- we'll get to hear the boys' thoughts on their special moment ;)

Next chapter should be fun- we'll get to hear the boys' thoughts on their special moment ;)

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I hope you have a great day/night,
El x

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