Chapter Eighteen- Bubba

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Sorry in advance for any errors lol💛

The best thing for me is reading people's comments and a lot of them are about how attractive the models are; how cute the pajamas are; how *insert character from Infinity War* was to blame 😊😂 It makes me so happy💛

Sorry for the late update, sleeping has been really difficult lately and I dunno- I kinda don't want to publish sleepy things? I'm confusing myself already lol

Hope you enjoy ☺️
El x


Freddie's PoV

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Freddie's PoV

We end up on Will's bed, his soft face resting on my bare chest; my hands running through his wispy curls. A cat-like purr escapes from his closed lips, followed by a vibrant blush.

He's adorable.

Gentle kisses from scarlet lips litter my bruised skin, Will's nimble fingers tracing the scars on my stomach lightly. It makes me relax; relishing in the delicate touches.

They seem to force my agitated mind to slow down- at least for a little while.

He hasn't said a word since we left the bathroom, his body relaxed from a warm bath.

I suppose he doesn't want to ask where the scars came from. Will's awfully conscious about offending people, thinking for minutes; analysing a single question before he asks it.

It took him ages to admit that he liked me- I smile slightly at the thought and he pokes at my upturned cheek, raising his eyebrows in question.

It took him even longer to say that he loves me

I kiss his glossy lips, a gentle peck that's barely there but meaningful all the same. His gentle face looks dazed, like it always seems to be. A white patch covers his left eye, yet he is still so beautiful.

I think I'm ready.

I'm ready to tell him.

The harsh bumps on my arms start to itch, the puffy skin sending irritated signals to my cluttered brain. Memories bombard my thoughts; I try to calm down, to focus on the fragile boy in front of me.

I stroke my hand over his delicate face, cupping his cheeks in my hands.

"I love you"- I say, desperately waiting for his reply, needing the confidence.

"I love you too"

My eyes close automatically, not quite used to him saying that yet. He doesn't know how much it affects me.

I let out a deep sigh, opening my tired eyes once more.

And then I just let it all out-

"I had a sister once"

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