Chapter 4: Not what he seems

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As the dance came to an end, (Y/n) lost her balance and fell due to the pain radiating from her stab to her flesh. Alastor then looked at her with an upset expression and didn't even gesture to help her up. "Say (Y/n), why did you do that?" His voice became distorted as he asked. She looked at him confused "W-What do you mean?" She stuttered. Alastor rolled his eyes and pointed at her stab wound "That."

"A-Ah... I couldn't afford to sleep in class, s-so I um..." She laughed awkwardly, which seemed to make Alastor tick in annoyance. "There's a more sensible way to deal with the issue." He said, his tone seemed to be more stern, but that sick smile was still on his face. He clapped his hands and everything, except the students, were restored as if it were never touched.

"Now, as you were saying about not being able to go home, I don't seem to see an issue now." He mentioned as he held what seemed to be a standing microphone. (Y/n) didn't question it, and finally agreed to go back to her house. Just as she left the school, an ominous black van pulled up and she saw a familiar face. It was one of the senior year students, who had a sick smile on his face. She knew him all too well, the sick bastard who started the bullying.

She figured Alastor's spell only worked in the surrounding area of the cafeteria, meaning not everyone who hurt her in her life was affected. The seniors didn't attend classes as early as she did, so she wouldn't see them often. But when she does, they would, without a shadow of a doubt, abuse her. Suddenly the doors of the van opened and a bunch of seniors came out, knocked her unconscious, and kidnapped her. Alastor stood idly behind the shadows, watching. He took out a pocket watch and began counting down from ten all the way down to one, before he began walking in the direction of the van.

Moments past and (y/n) found herself in a dark room, her hands and legs in shackles. The only source of light was from a window above her, shining onto a door that looked worn out and old. Just as she was trying to slip her hands out of the shackles, she heard footsteps and the sound of clubs hitting the ground. The door creaked open, and before her stood three seniors, all having some sort of weapon in their possession. "So (Y/n), long time no see." That bastard smirked.

"Now would be a good time for you to come and help me Alastor!" She thought in her mind, hoping that it would reach him. The senior approached her and hit her with a club he had in his hand. "Does that hurt? Don't worry, you ain't feeling nothing yet!" He grinned. She then glared at him and shouted "WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU... that you treat me like this?!" The senior paused, a smirk on his lips. "Well, here's the list." He began.

"First, you have a horrible personality." He stated before following up with a punch to her gut. "Second, you look horrible." He then took the claw like weapon from one of his friends and scratched her cheek. "Third, nobody loves you." He then used his hand to grip her throat and attempted to strangle her. "and the list goes on and on, but there isnt a reason for me to waste my breath for the likes of you!" Just as he said that, the floor rumbled and he dropped her from his grip, wondering what that rumble was.

"What was that?" One of his friends questioned. "I don't know... we don't have earthquakes here..." another replied. Suddenly, (y/n)'s bully's two friends began to suffocate. The senior, eyes wide open in fear, tried his best to save them, but to no avail. He looked back at (Y/n), eyes filled with rage as he shouted "you.. YOU WITCH!" (Y/n) just sat there, trying to regain her breath from the strangle she had just experience.

Suddenly, a whisper met with her ears. "I don't think you want to see this. Sleep." And she instantly knocked out into a deep sleep. The senior heard the sound of the door being locked behind him as he looked around, very alert. Alastor appeared behind him, his body rising from the floor as he told the boy to turn around. "I don't appreciate how you treat girls. My goodness, men in this generation simply do not see the value of ladies! Sigh, times really have changed from the 1930s." He said as he wiped his eyeglass.

"W-Who the fuck are you?!" He stammered as he grabbed the knife from his dead friend's hand. "A gentleman shouldn't use such language. But since you aren't one, I guess I should treat you how you treat others. So why don't we have a Hell of a good time while you are still alive? I'll make sure you'll enjoy every second of what's going to happen next." Alastor grinned like the psycopath he was. The senior lifted his knife and attempted to stab this unknown threat, but he dodged out of the way, unharmed.

"Getting a bit hasty, are we now?" Alastor chuckled. He snapped his fingers and the next thing the senior knew, (Y/n) was in the arms of the mysterious entity, whilst he was strapped up in her place, limbs chained. Alastor snatched the knife and instantly turned it to ash. He then used his sharp fingers to slowly cut open his body, from the torso to his neck. The senior screamed in pain as he saw his own internal organs spilling out on the floor, blood gushing out of him.

Surely the realization would have been enough to kill him, but every time his soul left his body, Alastor shoved it back into his fleshy vessel as he tore organs and shoved it in the senior's mouth. "Not every caterpillar survives and turns into a butterfly." He chuckled, before piercing all five of his sharp claw like nails into the senior's heart, breaking his skeletal ribcage, and yanking his heart out of his chest with inhuman strength. The last words he heard before Alastor allowed him to die was "I'll see you in Hell."

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