T W E N T Y FOUR - "Sure, why not?"

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This chapter is dedicated to @little_jj16 for voting and commenting! Thank you x


My parents stay for about half an hour, looking around the dorm and getting to know Axel and Rob before heading back to their hotel for the day.

Even though it is only twelve in the afternoon, but because they're older they get an excuse.

You should get an excuse for being a Uni student.

I sit scrolling on my phone with Emma and Rob doing the same beside me, whilst Axel takes a shower. Claiming that meeting my parents made him sweat.

But after last night and the way he looked after me, I can't seem to him or his body out of my mind.

That chest.

But the more I push it away, the more it pushed it's way back in again. So now I'm sitting on my bed grumpy that my mind has reverted back to it's thirteen year old way of thinking.

Hello, Zac Efron!

I'm brought out of my daydreaming by Emma slamming her phone on the floor.

"We need to go to the party happening tonight." She declares, looking at me as if to say don't argue with me here.

But of course, I do.

"Yeah, if the party is for people with broken arms then I'm down."

Emma pouts. "Please, please, please!" She begs, dragging out the 'e' in the last word.

"I don't know..." I say, my stomach clenching in tension.

Going to a high school party with a broken arm is never a good idea. Everyone knows that, apart from my best friend apparently.

"It'll be fun! Your concussion is basically gone, plus you haven't had fun in ages." Emma pleads as she tries to convince me.

"I have fun all the time." I smile, thinking back to Axel and I dancing round his kitchen. And what we did after that, that was really fun.

Axel walks back through from the bathroom, putting his top on. I nearly frown when I see the last patch of his golden skin disappear behind the fabric.

He comes and lies beside me on the bed, putting his arms behind his head, making his biceps bulge.

"What do you think, Axel? Party?" Rob asks.

"I'm up for it," He says before turning his attention to me. Dropping one of his hands , he begins toying with my fingers. "Are you?"

"I don't know, maybe." I shrug.

"Half an hour and then if you hate it, we'll come home!" Emma smiles, knowing the reassurance I need to hear.

I shake my head in exasperation, not knowing how I got convinced into this. "Fine." I groan.


"What conditioner do you use? Because your hair is like Beyoncé's." Emma stays, awe dripping from her voice as she straightens my hair.

It's nine o'clock and we're getting ready for the party. Axel and Rob are going to meet us there.

"Okay, I'm done. It hurts to look at your perfect hair now."

"You're so dramatic." I laugh, grinning at her. "I'm jealous of your hair."

Emma rolls her eyes let's a smile show through, I stand up out of the chair and assess my outfit.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt