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"Any plans for Halloween?" Tina asked her group of friends as they sat on the field at lunchtime. "I'm taking my brother trick or treating, kill me." Trisha moaned in response. "Could be worse, I'm volunteering at an infant school Halloween disco." Ryan rolled his eyes as the others chuckled. The group fell silent as the popular kids headed by classmate Lewis walked over to them. "If you've come to bully me into doing your homework again you can piss off." Alexander said as he said next to Tina whilst Ryan sniggered. "Actually I've come over to invite you all to my Halloween part tonight, 7pm, don't be late. Oh and bring alcohol." Lewis said as he gave them all invites before walking away. "I'm sorry but did the most ignorant person in this school invite us to a party?" Penny piped up to the group. "We all have to go, regardless of what we're doing." Ryan spoke. "He won't let us in without alcohol, and if you haven't forgotten we're only 16 how are we meant to find that?" Alexander sneered. "Leave it to me, I can get some." Tina spoke as the bell rang and everyone stood up and went back inside.

- Later on in the evening -

"Omg Trisha I love your outfit, is it a prostitute costume?" Tina laughs as Trisha joins the group outside Lewis' house. "Come on I'm not waiting out here all night, there's a party in there with our names on it." Tina says as Trisha, Alexander, Ryan and Penny follow her to the door. They walk inside, becoming deaf as the music blasts out of the stereo system. "This is gunna be a great night!" Tina shouts to the others as she mingles into the crowd. "I knew we shouldn't have come, this is a breeding ground for horny teenagers and STD's!" Alexander yells to the others. "Come on, at least stay for a bit. It'll be a laugh." Ryan said as he persuaded Alexander to stay.

The party continued till the early hours, one by one everyone gradually kept drinking and drinking except the 4 teenagers, minus Tina who was stumbling about after drinking her whole body weight in vodka. "I ne-ed th-the toilet." Tina said to the group stumbling her words. "I guess that means we have to help her get upstairs considering she's bladdered." Alexander hissed as the group helped her upstairs. The 4 teens stood outside guarding the toilet so no one would walk in on Tina. "Ow watch it!" Ryan hissed as 2 other teens from their school tread on his foot running to one of the bedrooms. "£10 bet that someone from this party gets pregnant." Penny chuckles.

After a while Tina stumbles out of the toilet and clambers back to the stairs as the group follow behind her. They get about halfway down the stairs when the lights go out, the room falls silent as the music stops but is soon filled with a deafening scream and a loud thump.

The lights come back on and everyone gasps at the sight before them. "TINA!" The group yell as they look down to see Tina unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh my god she must of fallen when the lights went out!" Ryan exclaimed as they scattered around Tina trying to help. "Well what's all this blood then?" Alexander says confused as they soon notice that Tina is covered in blood along with the carpet. "Don't just stand there! Call an ambulance!" Ryan yells at the other people at the party as they stand in shock. "Oh my god." Trisha gasps. "What?" Penny replies. "She's covered in blood because she's been stabbed, she didn't fall. Someone killed her!" Trisha exclaims as everyone falls silent and looks at each other. "She's been murdered? Fuck my parents are gunna flip." Lewis said in the corner of the room, making no attempt to help considering his home is now a crime scene. "Nah fuck this, I'm not being accused of murder." A guy yells and with that everyone flees the party except the 4 teens and Lewis who try to keep Tina alive whilst the ambulance arrives.

"Shit, she's losing so much blood here!" Trisha exclaims as she keeps pressure on Tina's stab wound. "Who did it!" Lewis yells at the group as he stands up, but each of them plead their innocence. The room falls silent as Ryan wanders back up the stairs "Well I found the weapon." He shivers and points to a knife left on the stairs. "Don't touch it! It'll prove which one of you killers did this to her!" Penny exclaims just as the ambulance and police arrive. Quickly the group are placed into the kitchen whilst the paramedics try desperately to save Penny.

Soon a paramedic walks in and whispers into the police officers ear just as the teenagers parents arrive. "Ryan, what's going on?" His dad asks as he bursts into the kitchen. "Trisha, I heard Tina got stabbed?" Trisha's mum spoke. "We're gunna need you and your parents to come to the station with us." The police officer spoke. "Why?" Alexander's dad spoke. "Because at this moment your children are all murder suspects. Tina Reynolds is dead." The officer spoke as the group stood in shock. "No... no this can't be true, why would anyone kill her!" Penny pleaded "Well hopefully you can all tells us that down at the station." The officer says sternly. "And what if we don't go with you." Alexander said as the whole group supported him, not realising what would happen next. A group of police officers walk in and take out handcuffs "Alexander Tate, Ryan Willis, Penny Monroe and Trisha Davis. I am arresting you all on suspicion of murder...." The officer started to speak the police caution but she was drowned out by the sounds of the group screaming and crying, pleading their innocence as they are all lead away in handcuffs, their parents behind them all in shock as they are forcefully taken to the police station.

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