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"Come on Dad don't make me go to school." Ryan sneered as he walked down the stairs with his bag on his back, "Everyone is gunna think I'm a murderer!" He whined "Well it's your job to show that you aren't a killer, one of those so called friends of yours will soon confess and this will all be over, just keep your head down and don't talk to the others." His dad instructed him as Ryan nodded and left his house.

Trisha approaches the school gates just as she sees the others approaching from various directions. Soon the teenagers stand near to each other, as their peers and even teachers glare at them in the playground. "What do we do?" Penny whispers to the others "We go in and we don't talk to each other, I can't trust any of you at the moment." Alex hissed as he walks through the gates, the others following behind but spaced apart to avoid being caught together. From the crowd there's silent whispers and sniggering, "I reckon it was Trisha!" A girl spoke as Trisha walks past into the school building.

"Boss here's the coroners report." An officer spoke as he placed a folder down on the lead investigators desk. "Thanks, and what have I told you, call me Tim or Mr White, boss makes me sick." Tim instructs as his colleague nods before walking away. "Right then, what have we got here." Tim speaks to himself as he opens the report straight to the cause of death page. "Alcohol intoxication present at time of death, secondary injuries include a sprained wrist and 3 broken ribs from the fall down the stairs, primary cause of death a stab wound to the lower right portion of the back which caused excessive blood loss." He read from the report. "Jesus Christ." He whispered as he shut the report, grabbed his jacket and left the station.

Back at school attention was still on the 4 teenagers, "How did it feel to kill someone?" A boy asked Alexander who was sat in maths class "I wouldn't know considering I didn't do it." Alex huffed "Yeah that's what they all say." The boy replied as he and his mates started laughing "Oh shut up." Alex replied beginning to lose his temper. "Or what you'll stab me?" The boy replied causing Alex to shoot up out of his chair "Alex sit down or I will call the police." The teacher exclaimed from across the classroom "Save your fucking breath." Alex sneered before grabbing his things and leaving just as the bell rang signalling the end of the school day.

"Boss we got a problem" a guy spoke as he rushed into the investigation room where Tim was stood in front of a board with Trisha's, Ryan's, Alex's and Penny's faces on them. "CPS are reluctant to press charges on any of them. We've got no evidence to prove any one of them did it except from the fact they were within 2 feet of the victim when she was stabbed, Alex and Trisha were stood on the right side of the victim which is the side she was stabbed but any of them could've still done it." The guy spoke as Tim turned around. "If we don't get a conviction we'll all lose our jobs, especially after the fuck up that was the Jones case." Tim spoke as he became agitated. "Well what do we do?" The guy asked as Tim looked at him. "We start pushing them, I want background searches into each and every one of those teenagers, there has to be something to give at least one of them a motive. Put out a warrant for their arrest, if we put them into a group interview they might turn on each other and start giving us information." Tim began devising a plan. "And if that doesn't work?" The guy spoke hesitantly "Then we do our best to get the CPS to charge all of them, I'm not losing my job, I'd happily send all of them down for conspiracy to murder even if only one of them is guilty. I'm not giving that dick at head office the pleasure of sacking me." Tim spoke as the guy nodded his head before leaving.

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