Youth detention

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After 2 hours of questioning the interview ended, no evidence at all to suggest who did it. "Trisha, Tina and Ryan you're being released pending further investigation, Alexander you'll be remanded here overnight for your court appearance for perverting the course of justice in the morning." Tim spoke. "This isn't fair! All I did was write a note!" Alex exclaimed "No, what you did was try and frame the people you call your friends, and at the moment you're looking prime suspect!" Tim hissed as Alex slumped in his chair as his dad put his hand on his shoulder.

Back at her home Trisha was enduring more questioning from her parents. "It's important that if you know anything you tell us. Trisha, sweetheart even if you did do this me and your father will do everything we can to support you!" Her mother spoke as Trisha became enraged, "How can you even think for a second I killed Tina! First Alex tries to frame me and now you think I actually did it!" She hissed as she ran up to her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Morning soon came as the sun beamed into the rusty metal bars of the cell Alex spent the night in. The sound of clunking metal echoed throughout his cell as Tim and an officer came in. "Morning sunshine, it's court time." Tim smirked as Alex rose off the hard mattress he slept on. Once handcuffed he was taken to a police car, ready to be escorted to the court.

Hours passed as Alex sat nervously in the courthouse along with his parents and solicitor. "It's up to you Alex how you plead but if you plead guilty chances are they'll just give you a fine, you have no record of previous convictions and they'll just give you a telling off." Alex's solicitor spoke trying to reassure him. "Alexander Tate?" A clerk spoke as Alex's name was called signalling it was time to go in. Once inside the courtroom Alex was greeted by 3 magistrates sat in front of him, asking him to confirm his name and address. "And Mr Tate how do you plead to the offence of perverting the course of justice?" A man asked Alex as he was stood in the stand, he glanced at his parents sat near to him before looking back up at the clerk. "Guilty, but I didn't know what I did was a crime, I'm scared, I didn't kill my friend. I don't want to go to prison for something I didn't do, I just panicked!" Alex blurted trying to justify his actions before he was told to stop.

There was a short moment of silence before one of the 3 magistrates spoke. "Mr Tate, I appreciate your current circumstances and your plea, however what you did was unacceptable, foolish, and if left undiscovered could have caused the murder investigation of your friend to totally collapse. I have taken into consideration what you have said and as this is your first offence this too as helped me decide a suitable punishment." The magistrate began speaking as Alex was hoping just to be let off with a fine or some form of community service. "However due to the seriousness of the offence and the fact you tried to interfere with a murder investigation leaves me with only one option but a custodial sentence." He added as Alex began to shake as he stared at his parents in shock. "Rest assured this will have minimal effect on your school work which you will still be able to do whilst in youth detention. Alexander Tate I hereby sentence you to a custodial sentence of 3 months." The magistrate finished as Alex's mum shot up out of her seat. "HE'S JUST A CHILD! THIS ISN'T FAIR!!" She yelled as she became hysterical, seeing her son handcuffed and led away. "MUM!" Alex screamed as he was dragged away, ready to be taken to a youth detention centre.

There was a sharp knock at Ryan's door, "I'll get it!" Ryan yelled as he opened the door and looked in shock as he saw Penny stood in front of him. "What are you doing here? If we get caught together we'll end up back at the police station!" Ryan hissed as he went to slam the door "Wait!" Penny pleaded before pushing the door back open. "Alex got 3 months in youth detention." Penny began. "Good, he deserves it for trying to persuade you to throw the blame onto me or Trisha!" Ryan rolled his eyes. "So is this it then? All these years of friendship together just thrown away?" Penny asked, "This isn't just a petty school ground argument Penny. We're all accused of murder and sooner or later we're all going to turn on each other and then end up in youth detention with Alex. Just go away before you get us caught." Ryan signed before shutting the door leaving Penny on the doorstep alone.

"Boss, Tate got 3 months." An officer spoke as he walked into Tim's office, "Good, about time we get a conviction round here, but if we want to keep the big man happy we need to find out who killed Tina." Tim spoke from his desk surrounded in paperwork. "Can I ask you a question?" Tim asked the officer as he nodded in response. "Who do you think killed Tina?" Tim said as he began chewing his pen. "It's hard to say boss, there's no concrete evidence on any of them." The officer began, "Okay, well what do you think happened at the party where she was killed?" Tim asked another question. "Well after looking at their social media there is no evidence of any of them conspiring together to kill her, personally I think it was planned at the party, they either all did it together or it was a lone killer. Either way it's certain it was one of them who did it." The officer smiled. "You know what, you might have a theory there, what if they all planned it together at the party? That explains why there is no evidence that points it to any of them. Hopefully forensics can match finger prints on the murder weapon then they'll have no choice but to admit if they all had a part to play." Tim grinned but he was very much far from the truth.

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