Chapter 23

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It was six in the morning when Lia was finally able to leave the hospital. She was due back on duty by ten that morning, so she was eager to get home and get a few hours of sleep before she had to return. As she exited the hospital with Chole, who was off the following day, lucky devil, she saw Ben sitting in his car waiting for them

"What's he doing here?" Lia asked, stopping to look at him suspiciously.

"He was worried about us driving, and he had me call him when we were getting off, so he could give us a lift home," Chloe explained, opening the car door and falling into the back seat. "Home Jeeves," she joked, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the seat.

Lia climbed into the front seat, and it felt like heaven as she sunk into the plush leather.

"We would have been alright to drive," she said as she buckled her seatbelt. "You realize you're going to have to drive me back here in a few hours, right?"

"You're welcome," Ben said as he pulled away from the curb.

"I'm sorry if I sound ungrateful? I didn't mean to be. I'm glad we don't have to drive home, and Chloe is already asleep," she said as she gave Ben Chloe's address and then promptly fell asleep herself.

When Ben's gentle kiss woke her, she opened her eyes slowly. "Are we home?" she asked unbuckling her seat belt thinking that it was a nice way to be awakened from a nap.

"A shower, a sandwich, and then bed. Do you think you can make it that long?" he asked, watching her as her eyes started to drift shut once again.

"Mmmmhmmm," she said as her head fell back on the seat.

"I'll be happy to help you with your shower if you like," Ben offered softly in her ear.

Lia's eyes flew open as she looked at him. "No, I'll be fine once I'm on my feet," she assured him, making a move to get out of the car.

He was ahead of her, opening the door and leading the way into her apartment. Lia set her things down on the counter and moved on automatic pilot to her bathroom. She was too tired to worry about modesty as she stripped and got in the shower without even closing the door. She was falling asleep when she heard the shower curtain shake. "Do you need my assistance?" Ben asked.

"No," she said in a tired voice leaning forward to turn off the water. Ben was waiting with his head discreetly turned and her bathrobe wide open. She allowed him to wrap her in it and lead her to the table where a sandwich was waiting for her. She ate, thinking that it was nice to have someone to take care of her, Chance would have never helped her in such a way, he would have only grunted when she got home and fell into bed.

After she ate she felt better, and she looked at Ben with a smile. "Thank you, it feels nice to have you take care of me." She stood up and walked towards her bedroom, sitting on the bed and setting her alarm. "Ben," she called as she took off her robe and crawled under the covers, "don't let me oversleep. I have to be at the hospital at ten."

He appeared in her doorway. "That's in a few hours," he protested.

Lia nodded. "Such is the medical world." She closed her eyes and was instantly asleep.


Ben watched her for a minute, wondering how she did it, two hours would never be enough. He never would have been able to get up and do it all again in a few hours. He had been worried about her driving home, but he hadn't asked her to call him because he knew she wouldn't have. Chloe had been more than willing to accept his offer of a ride though, and he was glad to have been able to do something.

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