Chapter 27

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Lia found Brian and Ben in the exact same place she had the day before and doing the exact same thing; looking at plans.

Lia called out a hello as she reached the top of the stairs and then launched right In with introductions. "Brian, these are my brothers, Leo, Liam, and Lawson, and my father Larry Haven. They were eager to meet you and have a high regard for your company. They're in the lumber business."

Brian gave them a friendly smile and shook hands all around before turning back to the plans. "Have a look at these Lia, tell me what you think." He pushed the plans in her direction.

She moved to stand next to Ben, placing herself much closer to him than she needed to be, while Huck sat on his feet. She had the thought that they were smothering him with their need to be near him, but he didn't move away. She peeked up at him and her eyes met his, but she wasn't sure what she read in them.

"I took all of your ideas and plugged them in, and they look great. However, there is this extra space in the basement that needs to be turned into something. I mentioned storage space, but Ben didn't like the idea." Brian pointed to a spot on the plans that was in one corner of the basement.

"I agree with Ben, if you make the room for junk you tend to collect junk, and after all of the junk I cleaned out of the attic and basement, I'm hesitant to make room for more." She studied the plans, her arm brushing Ben's as she spun them a little.

"I would turn it into an efficiency apartment. You can put a door where the window is, here," her arm brushed across the front of Ben's chest as she pointed, "you have the fireplace to give it charm, and you add a bathroom here." She pointed to an odd corner that was smaller than the other part of the space. It can be a rental, for guests, or an office for Ben if the attic plan doesn't work." She spun the plans back around and watched as Ben and Brian started studying them.

"Anytime you want to give up nursing and design for me, you let me know, I'll have a job for you." Brian gave her a charming grin, and if she wasn't already in love with Ben she would have fallen in love with him on the spot.

"Thanks!" she grinned back. "It's nice to have a fallback plan." She tugged Huck's leash and he stood with a groan. "Do you mind if my family pokes around?" she asked Ben and Brian. They nodded their agreement and she told them all to have fun.

What she needed was some air. It was becoming difficult to be near Ben. Lia left them all as they surrounded the plans, wandering down the stairs and across the street to the bench in the square. Huck joined her with his classic spin and groan as he settled down.

What she really wanted to know was if she affected Ben as much as he affected her. He was like an illness that seemed to be getting worse. It was almost to the point that she couldn't control herself when he was around. Lia had the sudden vision of herself jumping him, she went through all of the different reactions he could possibly give, and she had to smile as she envisioned him taking the prudish route like some Victorian maiden.

"What are you smiling about?" Ben asked, making her jump. He pushed Huck over and sat, squashed between the two of them, which was alright with Lia.

"It's silly," Lia shook her head.

"I could do with some silly right now." He leaned back with his legs spread in front of him.

"I was picturing myself jumping you and wondering what you would do if I did," she said baldly. Perhaps she wanted to shock him back into the Ben she knew so he wouldn't be the quiet, morose man that now sat next to her.

His eyes grew wide, and he turned to look at her. "And that's funny?"

"I had time to come up with all of your possible responses to my attack."

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