Our lives

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We were small children young and innocent with stars in our eyes and the world in our hands, our parents were our superhero's and the tallest place in the world was sitting on their shoulders as we wondered at the world around us everything so interesting and new. There was so much hope for us and our future was bright

We were kids we still loved to laugh and play but things were starting change and friends drifted off as we were prepared for the next test or the next grade, we started asking more questions, why are things like this, why are we learning this, why do we do that. Our questions were answered short and to the point as we moved on to the topic some of us still wondered at what we had just learned not understanding.

We've been tossed into middle school and the days have started to blur each lesson and day fading into each other not knowing the day of the week much less the date. Learning about ourselves and our friends is tough and we try and adjust to new things each year as we start to understand what it means to grow older. We start asking questions about ourselves like why do I look like this, why do I feel like this, but we still ask what the point of all this is, and we get the same answer, it will be on Staar or you'll need it for the next grade, we learn and then wipe our minds to make room for what comes next and we learn our place in the school, we learn why people say middle school is the hardest time of your life

Soon we will be teenagers with bags under our eyes and our ambitions slowly dimming we will go off to high school where we will got to bed at 3 and wake up at 6, leaving our old friends and making new ones who we might lose just as quick, our thoughts will be plagued with the constant nagging of gpa's, grades, scholarships, and college even when we are just freshman. Slowly we will begin to grow into ourselves more and find out exactly who we are and what we want to do. We ask questions like when will we learn how to take care of ourselves, how do you take care of a family, how do you pay taxes or find a job? Even though we are still just teens. But we will also speak up for what we believe in more, we will have ideas for the world and we will try to change it, but we are just kids what do we know. We will be prepared for life but before that we have to pay 25,000 dollars or more so we can get a good job and be able to live. Nothing we do will mater anyways all we can do is try and survive

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