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This is my first story. Let me know what you think of it. I'll try to upload as fast as I can. Enjoy

   Pain. Exhaustion. Fear. Those are the only things I could feel as I look at the raging battle around me. The Gods and demigods were fighting as hard as they could but Gaea's forces were stronger than us. They had the numbers on their side while we only had half of our original army. The romans weren't much help, yes they were a organized fighting machine but that didn't help as the monsters just kept running into their shield wall, breaking into their ranks.  I was broken out of my thoughts as a enemy demigod came at me, yelling a war cry as he charged. I immediately blocked his strike and spun, decapitating him in the process. I decided that the only way to win this battle was to go after the commanders of Gaea's army which unfortunately was the giants.

    I saw my father Poseidon fighting his bane Polybotes, who right now looked like he had the upper hand. I ran over to them, killing anything that came in front of me. Once I reached them I summoned some water to wrap around Polybotes's legs. He didn't see it coming and fell. Poseidon immediately plunged his trident into his stomach while I slit his throat.

"Good job son. He didn't see you coming." Poseidon said while catching his breath

"Yeah it looked like you needed some help." I said as I dodged a arrow. "Listen dad the only way we have a chance to win this battle is to go after the giants, that way their army has no leaders and becomes disorganized."

"I agree son. We'll pick each giant off one by one until they're all dead." Poseidon said as he stood up, summoning his trident.

We then ran off deeper into the battlefield, killing everything in the process until we reached Hermes fighting his bane Hippolytos. Dad and I started to help Hermes by blasting water onto the giant. I then put water around Hippolytos's legs and froze the water.

"Ahhhh, you stupid son of Poseidon." Hippolytos screamed as he tried to break the ice. "I'll fucking kill you you worthless demi-."
That's all the giant could say before Hermes struck his staff into the neck of the giant while I stabbed him on top of his head.

"Thanks Percy. Couldn't have done it without you." Hermes said while he cleaned off his staff which was covered in golden ichor.

"No problem. Now come on. There's only a couple of giants left." I said as I stabbed my sword into a hellhound, making it yelp then explode spraying monster blood all over me. I started to run over to Hades who was fighting Alcyoneus with nico. Nico was shadow traveling around the giant trying to get a angle on him. Alcyoneus was smarter though and punched a shadow as nico came through it.

"Puny demigod. Now it looks like it's just me and you Hades." Alcyoneus said while swinging his sword.

"Don't forget your favorite son of Poseidon." I said while summoning boiling water and hurling it into the giants face.

"Ahhhhhhh, Son of a bitch." The giant yelled. Hades then proceeded to summon shadows that wrapped around the giant. He struck his pitchfork into the giant's head while I stabbed his back. Alcyoneus exploded sending blood all over myself and Hades. I was pretty sure I looked like a strawberry cheesecake with all the golden and red blood but I could care less. All I wanted was for this war to end.

After a couple more hours of fighting all but one giant remained. Sadly the last giant was Porphyrion, the bane of Zeus and the most powerful of the giants. Currently all the gods were fighting Porphyrion but they were tired. They used all their remaining power to fend off their own banes. The remaining demigods were occupied fighting off the last of Gaea's army or were taking care of the wounded. "So it seems like it's me and the gods versus one of the most powerful beings in Greek mythology. Great." I thought. Zues threw some lighting while Poseidon launched a massive wave. I thought that could be the perfect combination to catch the giant off guard but it wasn't. Porphyrion seemed to absorb the lighting and sent the wave back to the Gods using his wind power. Just before the wave reached the Olympians, the giant sent the lighting into the water to make a more dangerous combo. The wave hit the Gods with full force, knocking all the Gods out except the big three.

  Shit. I thought, if almost all the gods got knocked out by Porphyrion what can I do. Then it occurred to me. What if I used the same power that I used against misery while I was in Tartarus. I hated the idea as I promised Annabeth that I would never use it again but it might be the only way. I joined my father and uncles fighting, trying to get the upper hand on the giant. Porphyrion was just to strong though to fight in combat and he seemed to know that.

   "Silly Gods. Did you really think you could stop me and mother. You're as stupid as you always were." The giant said while knocking Poseidon's trident out of his hands.  He then stuck his sword into my father's stomach and twisted the blade. "No! I screamed. Now was the time. I could feel my power increase as I watched my father fall to the ground. I stuck out my hand, concentrating on the blood of everything around me. Nothing happened first but then I started to feel it. At first it was a  slight tingle in my stomach but then it started to grow until it hurt. I felt the blood, the blood of the gods, demigods, even the blood soaked in the ground but most importantly I felt the blood of the king of the giants. I started to twist my hand and immediately Porphyrion started screaming.

"What are you doing to me! I'm the king of the giants, I'm the most powerful being alive no puny demigod can do this!" He yelled.

"That's where you're wrong Porphyrion." I said in a deathly calm voice as I squeezed my hand violently. All of sudden my vision went black. I could still feel and hear where I was but I couldn't see. I then realized that I made Porphyrion explode and that his blood got in my eyes. I quickly wiped my face and looked around at what was happening. The gods were looking at me with awe, the demigods were cheering because we won and that the war was over. I then realized that the war was over, it was all over. I became so happy that I lifted my sword and screamed to heavens, to gods and demigods "VICTORY TO OLYMPUS" Everyone started to chant those words until we were all screaming. My final thought as I blacked out was "It's all over"

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