New Training

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Ghost's Base
7:30 PM
Percy's POV

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" My fist connected with the wall over and over. Blood splattered the walls and my hands. I didn't care about the pain it only motivated me to keep hitting. Ripley's death is on me. Hit I should been there Hit I should have trained them better Hit I should've not been holding back on my powers Hit Hit Hit. The last punch I heard cracking. I had broke the wall... and my hand. What was I thinking, holding back on the ghost and myself. What type of thought process is that, I'm a fucking God, I should be top tier on my powers. My thoughts were broken by a voices

"Perseus?" It was Artemis who had return from her mission in Utah. She walked up to me and inspected my hand. "Why are you hitting the wall?" She asked. I broke away from her grasp.

"Taking away some anger. How did your mission go?" I asked avoiding her question.

"Successful as usual. How about yours?" She asked. I turned away.

"We eliminated the target." I said lowly. She smiled.

"Good. Do you have any more that need to be taken care of." Frankly I didn't want the ghost to go another mission right now. They don't have the morale and plus I wanted some time to think about the training process and recruitment.

"No. Listen Artemis I want to ask you something." I said seriously. She straightened her posture and gestured for me to continue. I licked my lips, I had no idea how to break this to her.

"Since the threat with Hyperion is over. And that was the only reason why we combined forces. I think it's time if our groups go there own way." I said slowly to her. She stood still and stared blankly at me.

"Why so suddenly. Do you not want us around?" She asked. I leaned against the wall to think.

"The ghost just lost one of their brothers Artemis on the last mission." I broke the news to her. She opened her mouth but I continued. "I don't want them to worry about any other group except their own."

Artemis has her arms crossed as she heard me out.

"It's not that your group is a distraction but there's just to many of us. The whole point of creating this group was to be low-key and covert. Do you understand where I'm going with this?" I asked her.

"I think so. I'm guessing things will go back to the way they were before." Artemis asked. I scratched the back of my head.

"Yeah but without all the arguing. We'll still help each other out if the need arises."

Artemis sighed but nodded her head. "Very well Percy. I wish you the best of luck. She said and hugged me goodbye. I watched her walk off to go tell the hunters. This is the right choice I told myself. It has to be.

Line Break

"Get the fuck up now!" I yelled to the sleeping ghost. One by one they came out of their rooms.

"Commander. It's four a.m." Viper groggily said. I killed the lights and threw a flashbang in the hallway. That got the ghost attention as they yelled and dove for cover. I turned the lights back on and yelled to get into formation.

"We are switching the training up from now on men!"

They looked at each other confused.


"You all caved under pressure when Ripley was killed. I'm going to train you to be calm, cool, and collected during situations such as those!" I said walking back and forth through the hallway. "The hunters are no longer with us. They are their own group again so don't expect any help from them am I clear!"

"Yes Sir!" The ghost shouted.

"Then let us begin gentleman."

Time Skip to noon

"Percy....for the love of the Gods.....please let us take a break..." Cobra panted. I agreed with him, even I was putting up a sweat even though I'm a God.

"Fine. That's enough for now." I announced. All the ghost dropped to the floor from sheer exhaustion. I looked around at my group and sighed. This is for the best. I need to train them to be the best of the best. No more deaths in the group.

"Sir why are you training with us?" Viper asked from the ground.

"I was...holding back you could say. I was hiding back on you all and myself. I'm not going to be making that mistake again." I responded.

"Sir? What happens if you reach your maximum power?" Wraith interrupted.

"Then Gods help anyone who stands in my way. For they will see death and chaos before their very eyes."

The God of AssassinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang