Phase 2, part 3

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The bullet wound still hurts, but it's not as agonizing as before

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The bullet wound still hurts, but it's not as agonizing as before. The doctors in the ambulance removed the bullet and mended the wound, then fixed my arm with an immobilizer. They even took care of the bruises on my face, easing the pain with a chilly pain-relieving gel. I step outside with a band-aid on my face.

I expect to see Ryan loudly complaining about something, just like he always does. However, in front of the ambulance, I see only Konstantin sitting on a snow-covered bench. I'm relieved that he emerged from the fight unharmed, except for the hole in his artificial hand which can be easily fixed.

"Zoya, how do you feel?" he smiles at me.

"Been better, been worse," I reply. "Where's Ryan?"

Konstantin laughs. "I know you don't care about an old, weary Champion!" Then he puts on a more serious tone. "He went with the Wardens to examine these things we fought. He was sure they'd let him help, but I'm not sure about that. I doubt they are eager to share sensitive data with a Healthy civilian."

"You know, Ryan and his confidence," I smile.

We sit alone for a while. I hear Konstantin's painful groans as he moves; it seems his advanced age took its toll and he probably pulled some muscles. Judging from his defeatist expression, he's aware of his physical limitations and is frustrated by them.

He used to be the best of the best and now his pride took a sting.

I want to talk to him about it, but we're interrupted by a Castaway in blue jacket who slowly approaches us. Unlike the jackets of ordinary Wardens, his uniform is decorated by several additional chevrons on the sleeves and epaulettes on his shoulders. He has to be the head chief of Wardens.

He is tall and slim, with broad shoulders and proud posture. An artificial hand made of shiny silver metal is protruding from his left sleeve. His broad face with prominent jawline seems somewhat intimidating. Maybe because an impressive black beard, maybe it's his piercing blue eyes, maybe several scars crossing his face. His right ear and the area around it is replaced by a metal implant which replaces the ear he was born without.

"Zoya?" he asks curtly.

"Y...yes," I reply, surprised by his sudden appearance and laconic way of talking.

"My name is Vitalij," he introduces himself. "Head Chief Vitalij. First of all, I have to apologize it took so long before the Wardens started to act. It was a crisis situation we weren't prepared for. You know... the unknown nature of the threat, the presence of civilians. However, considering the situation, you both did well. But to be fair, that's what I expected from two Champions of Champions."

Konstantin stands up and examines the Warden chief more closely. "Aren't you Commando?" he asks after a while. "The finale of European Neoclash Showdown, the year 110."

"What a nice reunion, Odin," Vitalij smiles for the first time. "It was the defeat in the finale which motivated me into becoming a Warden. I think I can say I owe you a lot."

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