Epilogue: Fractured

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In a vast forest in the pristine wilds of the far north, a little cabin sits locked tight. The curtains are hanging shut over boarded-up windows, the stove isn't burning, and not a single light is shining from within. Rough boards are nailed in place where the door used to stand. The shed is empty, the greenhouse a mortuary of dead plants. The fluffy white dog isn't bounding across the front yard and a lonely man no longer broods within the cabin, hunts in the woods, or fishes in the river. The cabin sits empty and alone in the clearing as the days shorten, the snow falls, the temperatures plummet, and the darkness encroaches on the light.

Thousands of miles away, a girl weeps at the second great loss of her life - the loss of a love cut off before it could blossom.


The story continues in Requiem for a Love

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