Bonus Material!

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I know you were probably hoping this was a new chapter, but alas, it is not. I got it in my head that I should make a video of Ryan and Jeremy during their deployment. Sort of like a book trailer, sort of like a concept video, call it what you will. While I was putting together concept photos of Ryan for my Instagram, I remembered a fantastic music video by 30 Seconds to Mars that was somewhat responsible for Ryan's aesthetic.

Lemme preface this by saying I am not a video editor, and Windows Movie Maker is a terrible piece of software if you're trying to make anything other than a homemade spinoff of your favorite TV show when you're twelve years old. (Not like I know that from experience...) I made a version of this earlier in the week, disliked it, started over, had more issues, and decided tonight to start it over again. Then I decided I liked parts of the first version better. But it's late, I got up at 4 am for the Map of the Soul: Persona release, and I'm tired. So here's today's edition of the Ryan & Jeremy video. I'll probably fix it later and re-upload. But for now, here it is.

The scenes shown in the video are kind of how I imagine some of Ryan's nightmares play out. While it's not meant to be representative of the attack that injured Ryan, I felt it was a good portrayal of Jeremy and Ryan's relationship.  Obviously, I don't own the music video these clips came from. They belong to 30 Seconds To Mars. Do go check out the real video; it's awesome.

Also (this feels like the bazillionth time I've said it) if you're interested in seeing pictures of Ana, Casper, Ryan, and another character coming soon, check out my Instagram, elle_lawrence. Also, I've got some (limited) info about some future book projects I'm working on. I've got 8 unpublished new story drafts sitting around on Wattpad. They range from a post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel, a sci-fi "fantasy" fairytale retelling (and its sequel), two story ideas I came up with/stole from songs I listened to in high school, both of which I'm considering adding a supernatural/mystical element to, another classic story retelling that I think could be very interesting set in an alternate universe. AND there's one that must remain TOP SECRET. *evil grin* (edit after the completion of the book: this was me referring to the Requiem sequel)

Requiem for a Soldier (Requiem #1)Where stories live. Discover now