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After last night, he sought refuge in the only place he knew Atlas wouldn't look for him—Trinity Mission Church. It was the perfect hiding place. He would lay low there for a few days, giving him enough time to figure out how to move forward with his...predicament.

Frowning, he turned the faucet on and wet his face. His fingers grazed the light bruise on his cheek. He had made it out of the fight unscathed for the most part; a few bruises and cuts never bothered him much.

While he may not have suffered any injuries, he did gain a new problem.

The little girl's bright eyes flashed through his head.

He had no idea what he was going to do about her. A small part of him was beginning to regret rescuing her. After all, he didn't have the slightest clue as to what he was getting himself into. He very well could have been way in over his head.

He already had a mission to complete. He didn't need to be stuck babysitting some mysterious little girl who wouldn't even talk to him.

His frown deepened as he dried off his face.

She had yet to say anything else to him since he pulled her out of that truck. Not a single word. He wasn't sure what he did to deserve the silent treatment, considering he saved her from Atlas, but it was starting to piss him off. He had half a mind to just leave her with Sister Maria and the other nuns of Trinity Mission.

It wasn't like he had any other options. The only one he did have was already being used.

Sister Maria constantly told him the church was open to him whenever he needed it. Though, he had a feeling that didn't include bringing in a superpowered child to her place of worship. But he needed her help and she was the only person in the city he trusted. Well, she and Armando—his taco guy.

Armando wouldn't be any use to him in this case.

Albeit, he was craving a plate of street tacos.

His stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten since the previous morning. Battering a squadron of Atlas agents had made him awfully hungry.

Luckily for him, Sister Maria was making him breakfast.

He was forever grateful for that woman. She barely knew him, yet, she was willing to put her own life and freedom on the line for a stranger. The image of nuns he once had was completely changed by Maria. He always thought they were just old, bitter women who slapped children on the wrist with rulers for being bad.

That wasn't the case for Maria. She was kind and nurturing. In many ways, she reminded him of his mother.

Soon, his frown transformed into a deep scowl.

Once he finished washing his face, he left the bathroom and made his way out of the church basement. The girl he rescued had gotten ready well before him and was somewhere upstairs, likely being watched by Sister Maria, or one of the other nuns, in the kitchen.

After he ate, he decided he would determine a course of action regarding her. He couldn't take her along with him. Not only was that dangerous, but he didn't think he was the most qualified to be her caretaker. She would be much better off at the church. He was sure there was an orphanage somewhere in the city as well.

Sure, the system was terrible but it was better than being in Atlas' custody.

The girl should've considered herself lucky to be free from their clutches.

As Oscar made his way up the creaking wooden stairs, he realized he didn't know her name. He had been referring to her as "the girl" since he met her.

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