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Oscar grunted as he adjusted the plastic bags full of pozole ingredients in his arms. He didn't realize just how much stuff was on the nun's list until he bought it all. Xiomara kept offering to help, but he declined her assistance.

He could handle a few heavy bags.

Above them, the sun was beginning to set. The once blue sky was quickly being consumed by brilliant hues of orange and gold as the burning star lowered beneath the horizon. He forgot how quickly night came during the wintertime.

He and Xiomara were still about fifteen minutes away from the church. In a few minutes, the entire sky would be pitch black. And everyone knew the streetlights only came on when they wanted to around these parts. He didn't want to be caught out on the street when night came.

Especially not with Los Diablos Rojos gunning for him. If they found him, he had a feeling he wouldn't be saved by any Atlas agents this time.

Or maybe he would. They did tend to run their patrols at this time. With their search for Xiomara still going, more agents were being deployed on the streets to find her. That was even more reason for them to get back to Trinity Mission.

He decided to take a shortcut—an alleyway that cut through two roads that would lead him straight to the church.

The only downside was that it was darker than the underworld and even creepier. He didn't want a random homeless person grabbing his leg as he walked by or any other frightening surprises. Not to mention the smell. His eyes watered just at the thought of the scents emanating from the alley.

But it would get him back to the church faster. And that was all that mattered.

Oscar diverted off the sidewalk and motioned for Xiomara to follow him. She stayed close, even opting to hold onto the bottom of his shirt for support.

As they entered the alley, a car turned off the street. It drove behind them, the headlights shining brighter than a quasar. The rumbling engine shook Oscar to the core. It penetrated his bones and assaulted his ears. He turned around to take a look at the car.

Swallowing hard, he froze.

"I'm scared," Xiomara whimpered.

"Stay close to me."

He ran through multiple scenarios in his brain as he watched the car's headlights cut off. The sound of car doors slamming filled the alley.

If he used his powers to take care of the gangsters, several things could happen. Outcome number one: they would shoot him, as he was outnumbered three to one. Then again, the chances of that happening weren't very likely if he used his powers.

Outcome number two: he would successfully fight them off, but Atlas would arrive on the scene shortly after to arrest both him and Xiomara.

The third outcome would see him defeating the gangbangers and getting away before anything else popped off.

He was hoping for that one.

"Told you we weren't done, ese," Primo said as he stalked toward Oscar.

Pushing Xiomara behind him, he slowly backed away from the menacing trio advancing on him.

He held his hands up, trying one last attempt at peacemaking.

"You don't have to do this."

Primo grinned, flashing his silver grill. He cracked his knuckles; the crude, popping noise echoed throughout the alleyway. "I think we do." He then whistled at his goons. "Get the girl."

His two lackeys stepped toward Oscar. The light from a nearby light glinted off the pistols in their hands.

Oscar sneered. "Fine. Have it your way."

False Gods | The Prime Archives #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now