An Attack

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'Shit' i cursed at my thoughts.
'Why did he suddenly come back and butt in my life' i asked myself.

I pretend to sleep to avoid those two. Suddenly the room has gone  quiet so i decided to peck what is happening. It was Karasuma-sensei, a yellow-colored octopus and some of his colleagues. They explain on what they have to do before graduation. We needed to kill the octopus that was facing us. Its tentacles moves side by side and had a warm full smile. They also explain on how to kill him with the help of the BB's.

I gotta hand it to him his really good in teaching. In the middle of class, my phone vibrated. I look at the message.

Queen, the Grandons have taken all our mens down in the southwest hideout. We need your help.

'Tch' i clicked my mouth.
I'm also the leader of a female gang "Fairy Wrath". We have many hideout all over Japan. We are the most fearsome female gang.

"Teacher would you allow me to skip school" i said standing and raising my right hand. Everyone stared at me including isogai.

"What is the reason?"  The asked.
"I have an important business to attend" i said.
"What kind of business?" Asked the teacher.
"Well..."i trailed off. I dont want to expose that I am an assassin on the first day. It will be a sign of bad luck.I look at the floor wondering what to say.

Suddenly the door slide open to see Karasuma-sensei.
"Ok you can go Miyuki" he said. I give him a close smile.

I was relieved at what he did. I grab my bag and bow them goodbye. I quickly ran to one of our hideout to fight the Grandons.

I saw Miyuki at her desk sleeping. I regretted that i have left her. I notice that i couldn't live without her. But it was too late she move to a different school. I didn't have a chance to even tell her how I felt. My thoughts was interrupted by Miyuki asking the teacher to allow her to skip school for an important business. When the teacher asked her why. She trailed off. She look at the floor with a sad face.

At that moment i really want to hug her and convince the teacher. Suddenly Mr.Karasuma from the ministry of defense arrived and let Miyuki go. She give him a close smile which is very cute.

I wish i could go back in time.

I quickly run to our southwest hideout. Its really bad The Grandons have attack our weakest hideout now that their leader is gone. The leader their is gone for her mission in France.

I arrived at our hideout. I heard gunshot in every corner of the street. I quietly jump at the roof and get inside. I'm going to attack them in the dark. I saw a lot of my girls are on the floor with blood. Those mens I'm going to kill them.

I pull out my gun in my sleeves and shot them. I hit six of them and quickly change my position. I dont want to reveal myself cause it will be troublesome of i did.

One minute pass by, all those men from Grandons have been killed by me. I couldn't forgive them so i shot them in the head.

I called the police and an ambulance. I fake a witness of the fight. They believe at everything i said. They dont call me queen for nothing.

I went to the hospital where they have been occupied. I paid the bills and brought them fruits and flowers. They have woken up, they thank me and all of them want to hug me but failed because of the injuries they've got.

I promise them that i will be in-change of our southwest hideout for a while until Yuna (one of my followers thats currently in charge of this hideout) come back.

I said my goodbye and went home. Mina texted me that she will be late for an important mission so i doze off to sleep without eating anything.

The next morning, as usual i get ready for school. Since Mina isn't back yet so i decided to go by the bus. But in order not to be swarmed by people I disguise myself. I arrived at the classroom without being busted. I was an early bird so i think that i was the first in the room. But i was wrong i saw Isogai sitting on his seat. I avoided his presence and sit in my seat. It was very awkward between us so i decided to sleep.

I heard gunshot so i wake up to see they're trying their best to hit that octopus teacher. They eventually give up.

In PE, our teacher is that octopus which they decided to name koro-sensei.

"Come on try to attack me all at once" koro-sensei said. His face was the strip color green and yellow. It was a sign that he was very confident.

They attack in a group and eventually give up. They came charging in and use the BB knife. They were amateur in using it.

"How about you Miyuki-chan?" Koro-sensei said.
"Yes" i said approaching him with a warm smile.

When i was closed to him i release my blood lust and strike him. We were very fast. Even if his max speed is Mach 20. I can still keep up. I have been training my agility, speed and strength for the past nine years. My parents was a professional assassin so i gotten use to all the blood.

I find the chance to hit him. I hit all his tentacles and he fall into the ground. I place my knee on his heart right above that tie he was wearing. I observe him yesterday and found out his heart. I also place the knife at beside his head.

They were all shock even karasuma-sensei the one who taught me everything about attacking. I stare at his eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness. It was like me when my sister died. No matter how he tried to hide it with his wide smile. Like they always said the mouth can lie but the eyes could not.

I got off him and offer a hand. It seems that they generate very fast.

"~fufu you are very fast and skillful miyuki-chan" koro-sensei said.
"Thank you koro-sensei" i closed a smile.


I go down the mountain. Put on my disguise and get in the bus. When i arrive home i meet Mina.
I quickly hug her.

"Minaaaa where have you been?" I said.
"I have missss you sooo much" i whined.

"Sorry i thought that i would finish it at once" mina said. I pouted.
"I miss you bff" she continued.  I smile.

" I miss you too bff" i said.
"Lets get inside" she said.

We got inside. We eat and talk about what had happen to us. I was getting sleepy so i sleep in my room with a king size bed.

'What is going to happen to me and Isogai?' I thought.
'Will we be friends again?" I continue. Thinking of those things made me fall asleep.


The 'fairy wrath' organization and the 'grandons is made up. I made this chapter while watching Fairy tale thats why.

💔 From the past 💔 ( Karma x Reader x Asano x Isogai )Where stories live. Discover now