Assasination Trip (2)

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I was half asleep and half awake. I felt myself being carried but I didn't do anything. The feeling was so warm and comfortable. I heard someone talking.

"Karma-kun, how is Miyuki?" The voice i recognized as Isogai. Wait....Why did he ask that to Karma?!. I instantly open my eyes and see Karma smirking.
"How was your sleep, Sleeping Beauty?" he smirk. I blush. I quickly push myself away from him. But resulted in me hitting the cold, hard and cemented floor. I hissed and rub my butt.

"Are you you ok, miyuki?" I turn to face Isogai thats holding out his hand for me to take but i swatted it away.
"I'm fine!" I glared. Great, the two of them are here in front of me. I groan before I stood up. I see that Karma hold my bags. I harshly snatch my bag from him.

"Did my princess get up from the wrong side of the bed~" Karma said.
"First No! And second THERE IS NO BED AROUND THE TRAIN!!" I shouted.

"Miyuki, let me help you with your luggage" Isogai offered. I glare at him. Still haven't moved on.
"No!!" I pull my bag as I walk to the rest of the class. I see the inn but looks quite cheap. Just expected.We got inside the inn. I immediately find the girls room. I ignored all the yelling stuff. I finally found it and step inside. I orderly put my bags and pull out my own futon. I then sleep.

Timeskip  ( brought to you by the caring Sadist )~~

My eyes fluttered open and squint my eyes. I sit up and stretch both of my arms. I took a shower before everyone did cause they would ask me to join them which is really uncomfortable for me.

I get in the bathroom with my clothes and turn on the shower. I put shampoo and conditioner on my head and wash it. I rub my body with the (preferred soap) soap. I wash all of them off. After the shower I wear a black mini skirt and a off shoulder red sweater that revealed my pale fair skin. (I don't know what it's called. Forgive me😢). I put on a black knee length socks and black boots. I blow dry my hair and brush it with my comb. I just leave it hanging. I excite the room and head to the dining area cause I'm hella hungry.

When i got there, I see Isogai is there. As expected from the class president. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I turn my heels and was about to head to the girls room.

"Miyuki, your awake?!" I stop and turn my head to him.
"Isn't it obvious" I knitted my eyebrows.

"Ah...haha yeah thats right" Isogai laugh sheepishly.
"What did you want to say?" I ask.

"I want you to join me for breakfast" he offered.
"Huh? No way I'm not going to sit next to a bastard!" I said. He look at me, he look sad but smile as usual to hide the emotions his bearing.

"Ok, then you can go" He said. I felt a rush of guilt that I was the reason he got sad. I look uncomfortable. I couldn't hold my words.
"Ok, I'll sit next to you" i blurted out. I close my eyes and my eyebrow twitch.

"Ok?...what change your mind?" He ask. I open my eyes as i walk towards him and sit beside him. I sit on my legs and my hands on my thigh.
"Oh!, shut up will you!!!" I shout.
"Your grateful that I kindly agree!" I said. He smiled like when he used to look at me.

"Will you stop smiling like an idiot?!" I frown.
"Sorry..." he said sadly. I frown at his attitude.
"Listen, don't show that sad face of yours. It tells me that it wants to be hit" I punch my other hand as i glare at him. He look at me confused.
"Why?" He ask.

"JUST DON'T SHOW ME!!!" I shout him that cause him to cover his ears.
"And i don't want to see you sad" i mumbled.

"What? I didn't heard what you were saying?" Isogai ask.
"No!! I was not talking to you!" I shout.
"Then who are you talking to?" He giggle that gives me butterflies in my stomach. I'm probably hungry.

💔 From the past 💔 ( Karma x Reader x Asano x Isogai )Where stories live. Discover now