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The rain stopped falling as the sun rose over the horizon. He groaned as he stood and stretched his arms above his head. Nora snorted from behind him.
"You fell asleep."
He nodded.
"Only because you woke up."
She scoffed.
"How'd you know that?"
He faltered.
"Yeah. You're right I fell asleep. Anyway, we should probably leave. That Dragon's going to be back any moment now."
They walked out of the cave and headed north for a few minutes before he stopped. Nora grabbed his shoulder and tried to move him.
"Shouldn't we be going?"
He nodded.
"Almost certainly. You run north. As fast as you can. You'll get to a village named Hamikstead. Hide in the Roaming Dragon inn until I get there ok?"
She tilted her head.
"Why? I don't get it."
He gestured to the hill that covered the cave. The man who had killed him was standing there with his hands behind his back and a wolfish grin on his face. She began to shake as she took a step backwards.
"No. Not this quickly. Please."
The man began to walk towards them and he cursed.
"Nora. Run."
She stood and stared as the man began to run towards them. He shoved her and she snapped out of it.
"Run. North."
She nodded and bolted. He turned just in time to receive a foot to his face. He tumbled to the ground and slid a few metres.
"You again? I thought for sure you'd abandon her."
He chuckled as he pushed himself to his feet.
"You don't have a particularly high opinion of me do you?"
The man sneered.
"You're human. You are of the weaker race and yet you infest the world as if it belonged to you, much like a parasite."
He nodded.
"Maybe. Anyway,"
He stuck out his hand.
"My name's Arvin. What's your name?"
The man smiled warmly and took his hand.
"My name's Varow."
He screamed as his hand shattered. A heavy fist slammed into his face and he crumbled to the floor. He cradled his hand as he got to his knees.
"That was uncalled for."
Varow grabbed his hair and pulled his to his feet.
"You're human, are you not?"
He groaned.
"Apparently not. I got stabbed twice and I'm still alive and have no scars."
A knee slammed into his face and he fell to the floor once again.
"Where is Nora running to?"
He spat at him and he recoiled.
"You vile parasite."
He sat up as Varow moved to kick him in the head and raised a hand.
"Tell you what, you explain to me why you need her and I'll tell you where she'll be."
Varow chuckled.
"I think not."
He laughed.
"No. I didn't think you'd go for that. I was just playing for time."
Varow tilted his head.
"Amd why's that?"
He pointed behind him.
"Because of that."
He hurled himself to the ground as a great black dragon slammed into Varow, sending him sliding across the floor. The dragon slid to a halt and growled at Varow as he stood. It snapped its tail into his side and he slammed into a nearby tree. The dragon rose onto its hind legs and let out an earth shaking roar. The edges of it's scales began to glow with an orange light as it lowered itself to Varows level and expelled a jet of flame at him. Varow's eyes widened as he was engulfed by the inferno. Arvin rolled clear of the fire and searing heat, then, pushing himself to his feet, he began to limp away. He stumbled and grunted as a pair of hands grabbed him by the arm and kept him upright.
"Really, you can't walk more than three steps without help?"
He groaned as Nora dragged him away with a terrified smile.
"I thought I told you to run."
She nodded.
"You did. But I ignored you."
She thumped him on the shoulder.
"You could of told me that you were planning using the dragon."
He nodded as he regained his balance and fell into step with her.
"My apologies."
A pained roar came from behind them and they turned. Varow stood, burnt and hunched, with a one of the Dragons horns in his hand. A deep gash ran down its face as it backed away. They stared at the Dragon. It was bleeding and limping, but it was staring at Varow with murderous intent. It roared again, but quieter than it's last. A moment later a small, squat Goblin ran out of the cave and stared at the Dragon. Its lips peeled back to reveal sharp jagged teeth as it screamed, it's little purple eyes narrowing. A moment later a sea of green flooded from cave mouth and smashed into Varow, knocking him off his feet. A single, slightly taller Goblin charged towards them and tackled Nora to the ground. Arvin grabbed it by the back of the neck and threw it back towards the frenzied horde. It bounced as it landed, shook its head and ran straight towards Varow and the Horde. He helped Nora to her feet.
"Are you alright?"
She nodded as she dusted herself off.
"Yeah, I'm good, what would that thing have done to me?"
As if to answer her question, screams filled the air. They whirled to see the horde plunging small knives into Varow. He screamed as they tore strips of his flesh off and bit into his throat and face. A moment later they began dragging him back to the cave. His screams continued long after he dissapeared. The Dragon turned its attention towards them and he pushed Nora behind him as it advanced towards them. He knelt on one knee and held out his hand as it approached. It huffed infront of him and he winced as its breath hit his nose. It stared for a moment before nuzzling his head. He stood slowly and stroked its head, making sure to avoid the deep gash. It looked at him as he did so, it's red eyes narrowing a little as he took his hand away. It huffed and walked back towards the cave. He smiled to himself as it disappeared from view. Nora stood with her mouth open and pointed at the cave.
"Did..... did you just..... tame it?"
He tilted his head.
"The Dragon. Did you tame it?"
He shook his head and laughed.
"Gods no. It's not possible to tame a Dragon. They're too proud. No all I did was show it respect and courtesy so it did the same."
She nodded.
"Right so will it, fight for you or something now?"
He shook his head.
"No. No it'll just not kill me if it sees me. It might help me if I need it but most likely it'll just remember me."
"Huh. Fair enough. I suppose I should thank you again."
He tilted his head.
"Why's that?"
She shrugged.
"You just saved me again."
He nodded and sighed.
"You don't have to thank me."
"Why shouldn't I?"
He groaned.
"Look, I promised you I'd get you out. And I intend to keep you out. There's no point otherwise"
She laughed.
"I see. Well ok then. What's next?"
He chuckled.
"We need to get to Hamikstead"
She nodded and followed after him.

A few days later they walked in to Hamikstead. It was a small village, just four houses, a blacksmith, an apothecary, a hall, a church and a tavern. Each building was connected by a gravel path that looked like it hadn't seen any upkeep in a while. They stepped up to the door of the tavern and knocked. A moment later a small, round man pulled it open. He looked up at them amd gave a warm smile.
"How can I help you two this evenin'?"
He smiled as he stretched out his hand.
"Has the King arrived here in the recent days?"
The man nodded as he shook his hand.
"Aye, he and two others turned up just a week ago."
He smiled.
"The two people were they an old man and a young woman, both had brown hair, one had glasses?"
The man nodded again, though this time a grave look crosses his face.
"Aye again lad. But the one with glasses looked like she'd come down with something fierce. She could barely stand on her own."
He went cold as his stomach dropped.
"May I see them?"
The man nodded and stepped aside.
"You may. They're on the top floor, third door to the left."
He nodded and stumbled towards the stairs. Nora stayed behind him and kept glancing to and fro. He reached the door and gagged. He felt sick. He knocked and took a deep breath. A moment later the door opened amd his father stared out at him. He gave a small smile.
"Arvin, you made it."
He nodded as he stepped through the door. His father looked him over and smiled.
"You look well."
He turned his attention to Nora.
"And who's this?"
She stuck out her hand and his father shook it.
"My name's Nora sir. It's a pleasure to meet you."
His father nodded.
"Likewise. My name is Orvar and I'm Arvins father."
She nodded and smiled.
"I see. I heard you also have a daughter as well?"
A flash of pain flickered across his face as he turned towards him.
"Yes. I do. Arvin, there's something I need to tell you. Mari is.... not well. We were assaulted by some bandits on the way here and she got nicked by one of their blades. The wound became infected. She's been resting ever since we got here, but... "
He narrowed his eyes.
"But what?"
Orvar grimaced as tears ran down his face. It was the second time he'd ever seen him cry.
"The healers don't think she'll make it. She's in the other room if you want to see her."
He nodded and walked into the adjacent bedroom. It was darker than the other with the curtains pulled over the window. A small bed occupied the far corner. A bundle of blankets covered the bed. They rose up and down silently as he knelt down infront of them. He turned to Nora leaning against the door frame and tilted his head. She nodded to the bed as the blankets began to move. A small frail hand reached out and grabbed his and he almost sobbed.
Her voice was thin and hoarse. He swallowed his tears and smiled.
"Yep. It's me. I made it."
She miled back at him.
"That's good. I'm glad."
"How're you feeling?"
She coughed as she prepared to answer.
"I'm good. I got nicked by a little knife, nothing to worry about."
He lowered his head.
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Mari, I should've been there."
A small hand tapped the top of his head and he looked up. Despite her frailness, she glared at him.
"This isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, Arvin.."
His eyes widened as she went limp. He got up and started to call for help when he noticed the still steady rise and fall of the blankets. He stood on shaky legs and walked out of the bedroom. Orvar stared at him from across the room. He looked around and narrowed his eyes.
"Where's the king?"
Orvar nodded and sighed.
"He'll be back in a moment."
A moment later the king walked in and froze at the sight of him.
"Arvin, you made it. I'm glad."
"Where were you when Mari got hurt?"
"I was with your father, fighting off the other two."
He stared for a moment before sighing and walking out.
"I'll be back in a little while."
A bolt of agony shot through him as he walked down the stairs and he staggered. Nora grabbed his shoulder and kept him steady.
"You alright?"
He nodded shakily.
"I think so. Gods that hurt."
She nodded as she let go and they walked towards a table.
"That would have been your settling. The spirit that resurrected you has decided to stay."
She lowered her voice.
"From now you'll need to drink blood roughly three or four times a month to survive as a minimum."
He nodded.
"Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about that."
She tilted her head.
"How did you forget that you got resurrected?"
He shrugged.
"Not that. I forgot about the drinking blood thing."
She nodded.
"Ah. I see."
She sighed as they took a seat.
"I'm sorry about your sister."
He nodded and went to answer as the door opened and three men walked in. He narrowed his eyes and strained his ears.
"We did well to rob that highborn prick and his runt of a daughter."
His eyes widened and he shot to his feet. Nora looked at him with a shocked expression. He stared at the three men who were now regarding him with curiosity.
"What did you say?"
They stared at him with wolfish grins.
"Is it any of your business?"
He glared.
"The daughter, did she have glasses?"
They nodded.
His head pounded and his left eye stung. A familiar voice started at the back of his skull.
"Well, how are you going to deal with them?"
He shook his head and clamped his hands to his head. The bandits laughed and Nora stared at him with concern.
"Are you alright?"
The voice laughed.
"Alright alright. I'll take care of them for you."
His vision went dark.

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