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He paced his study and silently raged. They'd taken this country in the only way that mattered a week ago. And they were no further forth in their plans. They were all so simple too. That was the maddening part. He growled and sat in one of the many leather chairs that occupied the former Kings study. He should have been feeling like a champion. Instead he felt small and insignificant. He pulled his flask from his hip and emptied it in one swig. He felt the spirit that occupied his mind growl in appreciation. He groaned as he stood and moved back towards the large ebony desk that housed multiple drafts of plans and stared at the map of Yaravarth. They had Mournvar. The last five cities were scattered around the map haphazardly and he wondered if a simpleton had begun these settlements. Who puts a city inside a mountain for pitys sake? His finger drifted towards Riftshore. They'd take that next. First, he'd removed their leadership. Next he'd remove their trade. He smiled and placed a single black token over Riftshore. There was a knock on his door and he narrowed his eyes as he marched towards it. He'd asked not to be disturbed. He pulled the door opened and forced a smile.
"Hello Fanvas. What is it?"
His second bowed and smiled. He was a fairly average height and build. His long black hair tied into a ponytail. What was impressive about him was the criss cross of scars that covered him from head to toe. No one in the Army knew how he had got them but he never made a point of hiding them, rather, he wore them like a badge of honour. He hated to admit it but out of all his generals, Fanvas was the one he had the most time for.
"We've made progress with the hammer."
He smiled.
"Well then. Let's check up on it."
Fanvas nodded and lead him through the maze that the King had called a castle. Bloody impractical he called it. Fanvas smirked and he groaned.
He shrugged.
"You still need people to lead you around this place."
He nodded.
"Yes I do. It's confusing."
Fanvas nodded as they stopped in front of the wrought iron door that separated them from the most dangerous weapon they had ever created.
"I don't doubt it."
The door opened and they stepped through. The door closed immediately behind them and two heavy steel cylinders slid across, locking them in. A lowly Vampire approached them and bowed.
"My lord. We are making ample progress, if you'd like to follow me."
They followed the man through yet another door and into a drab room. In the centre of the room stood the young woman his scouts had found half dead on the road a few days ago. Her face was blank and her eyes, one brown and the other a brilliant red, were empty of any and all emotion. He raised an eyebrow at the heavy black armour she was being fitted with.
"She's strong enough to wear that?"
The Vampire nodded.
"Oh yes. She almost pulled the door off it's hinges yesterday."
He smiled as the chest piece was fastened on.
"You. Do you have a name?"
The girl didn't move as she whispered.
"No name."
He nodded. They'd done it. The perfect mixture of Sanguinaire impiris and humanity. The perfect weapon. He chuckled as the helmet, forged to look like a hood, was locked into place and a large hammer was placed in her hands. The war had begun.

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