1 | all your reason pause

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The branch exists only to bear the fruit
The knowledge of which resides in the root
Would a gardener plant and tend the vine
Without the promise of the grape and wine?
Before this truth let all your reason pause
What you thought was effect, is but the cause.

- Rumi, Cause and Effect


The Compound
New Orleans, Louisiana

A knock on the wooden door caught his attention as Klaus looked at her all dressed up in black for the much anticipated play. She walked inside, coming straight towards him and took the bow tie from his hands.

"Your skill in tying these pieces hasn't improved," the woman said with a smile, unfurling his collar.

"The world only requires one Elijah," he rolled his eyes as she put the tie around his neck.

"Hmm," she hummed while working the loop. "Asphyxiation is the only result I foresee if you ever tried."

"I am honoured to have your vote of confidence, Maeve. You give me brilliant ideas to be inconspicuous with my murders," he smirked and she glared at him before pinching the bow to finish the loop.

"That very much assures me of your deteriorating sanity," she quipped.

"When was I ever sane, love?" he said and she suddenly pulled the loops, tightening the bow tie making his head jerk and he almost glared at her.

"I shall remember to correspond with your absent ethics when you decide to act on one of your fiendish thoughts," she replied and straightened his bow tie gently, lowering his collar to fix it properly.

"My fiendish thoughts you say?" he chuckled at the notion, turning towards the mirror to examine her work. She held out his jacket for him to get his arms in as the Original proceeded to button it properly.

"And leave bodies for Elijah to clean up," she smoothed his suit and smiled, "You are done." He smiled back which did not go unnoticed by her. "If wearing tuxes make you smile more often then I shall persuade Lana for tickets once in a while," she finished and took the glass of drink from his hand and placed it over the vanity when he kissed her forehead gently.

"People might stop fearing Klaus," he replied as she leaned against the mirror to observe him quietly.

"You already invoke plenty of fear. Do not let your own fears destroy you. You are above them," she softly said, pecking his cheek and started walking away.

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