4 | mangled fools

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To seek solace in humankind is the way of fools
Earthly loves, are shattered mirrors,
Or are but mangled fools.

- Rumi, Mirrors


Winter 1859
Laurentis House
Cloverville, Louisiana

Adelia walked inside the study and put down the papers on the desk with a thud. She turned around and looked up at Elijah, surprised.

"Forgive me. I was not aware that someone was up before dawn," she said, tying her hair up into a bun for appropriateness.

The Original noticed her wearing a dressing gown under the shawl and got up. "My apologies. I shall retire to my room," he replied.

"You can stay if you wish. I did not mean to intrude," she smiled at him while walking around the desk and sat down behind it, pulling the papers towards her.

"If you do not mind, of course," he told her. "I could not sleep."

"Please continue with your reading," Adelia pulled out some parchments from the drawer and dipped the pen in the ink and started writing.

The vampire retook his seat and turned to open the book to read. They continued in silence as the only sound that filled the room were of nibs scratching over the parchment, pages being turned and beautiful cacophony of the crickets screeching outside the French doors.

He watched her from time to time as she sealed the envelopes with the wax to stamp it shut and rolled the other parchments, tying them close. Her chair screeched against the floor as she stood up with piles of letters and rolls and placed them in a tray meant to be delivered in the morning.

"I suppose it wouldn't be too forward of me to ask of your reason to be up this early," he asked her, breaking the silence.

"Father isn't here and likewise, it falls upon me to take care of certain matters. I am yet to learn everything," the witch answered, clearing out the desk but felt his gaze on her.

"So I presume you get the brunt of the responsibilities," Elijah commented, watching her closely.

"So do you. Being the eldest has its own set of endeavours," Adelia smiled at him and picked out a heavy file from the shelf.

He did not correct her assumption of him being the eldest. "You are quite young to preoccupy yourself with such things," he closed the book, smiling back.

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