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"Merry Christmas y'all" Sylvia came downstairs

"Merry Christmas mommy, look what Santa gave me." Cam pulled her mom to the Christmas tree

"I got one more present for you" Kyla whispered to Mekai

"Baby, you got me more than-" she cut him off, grabbing his hand and placing it on her stomach

"Merry Christmas" she smiled

He hugged her, pecking her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you more"

"We got this. Ok?" Mekai said, referring to the pregnancy

Kyla nodded, trusting him. She didn't know if this baby would last full term, but she felt more comfortable going through this process with the person she loved.


"Ky, look. You got something from daddy" Camryn said

Kyla's loving feeling went away as she opened the letter Camryn passed her.

She read it to herself

Merry Christmas baby girl, I love you.

That was all the note said. She grew irritated at the letter, even though it wasn't much to it. She didn't want him contacting her or her family ever again. He was dead to her.

She crumbled the paper up, going in the kitchen to throw it away. After she threw it away she grabbed a bottle of water, calming herself down.

"Baby, you good?" Mekai came in the kitchen

"I hate him" she shook her head "I hate his existence"

"Just say the word and I'll get rid of him"

"Death is too good for him. I want him to be tortured everyday."

"I know a guy that knows all about that in prison. I'll set it up" he wrapped his arms around her "In the meantime, calm down"

"He's the reason I can't carry a child full term Kai, I can't calm down." she rested her forehead on his chest

"Don't talk like that around the baby" he placed one hand on her stomach

"I'm three seconds pregnant and you already starting" she chuckled, showing that smile he loved to put on her face

"Seriously though, don't let him get in the way of you living a good ass life."

"I thought we were watching our mouths for the baby's sake" she said sarcastically

"Baby, ass is in the bible" he gripped her butt, pecking her lips

"Get off me" she smirked, pushing him away a little

"I love you" he pulled her to him

"I love you too" she kissed him

They headed back into the living room where Cam was playing with her new Barbie doll.

"Mama, is the jail open on Christmas?" Kyla asked

"Yeah, they close at six though. You sure you wanna go see him?"

"Yeah, I got a few words."


Eddie sat on the other side of the glass, waiting for Kyla to pick up the phone.

"Sweetheart, I'm so glad you came." He smiled

"I bet you are. Considering the fact you'll only be seeing the walls of this prison for the next few years."

"Yeah...How you been? How's your mama and sis-"

"What we not gone do is sit here and have a conversation like we cool. I just came here to let you know that you no longer getting in the way of my happiness."


"Shut up. I'm gonna' live a wonderful life with my family, and I'm finally in a good place in my life"

"I never meant to-"

"You can take whatever you about to say and shove it up your ass. Just like you'll be getting dick shoved up  it on a daily."

He gave her a confused look.

"You know Big T? He thinks your skin looks soft, he'll be feeling it tonight. Enjoy" she said before putting the phone down

"Kyla!" he banged on the glass "Kyla!"

Kyla laughed to herself as she walked out of the jail.

"Come on lil crazy." Mekai shook his head, opening her door

She felt at peace with herself, things were beginning to look up.

Merry Christmas 🎄

-Carlisha ❤️

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