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When you say goodbye, please whisper it.
Better yet, say nothing
And just tip toe quietly out of my life.

~Micheal Faudet

Luna's POV:

My name is Luna Maxwell- well Luna Jackson since I am married to the known billionaire Liam Jackson. I would say I am happily married, but that just isn't the truth. I mean I was happily married once, but let's just say stuff happened...for example, He became cold and rude toward me in our fifth year of marriage. We stopped having sex or any type of intentional kind of touch. He started coming home late....he thinks that I don't know he is cheating, but sadly I do. What he also doesn't know is that I cry myself to sleep when I hear him talking to his mistress at night.

No we DONT sleep together...anymore. We stopped doing that two years ago. The same year  I heard him pleasuring his mistress. In the same room we slept in together. My heart tore into pieces.


I just dropped off Mila at her grandmas house. Sigh. She is the only thing that is keeping our marriage alive. I can't leave him though, I don't know why I just can't. I love him. I pull out of the drive way of my mother in laws mansion.

After a few minutes I arrive at my mansion. I get out of the car. I slowly close the door. I push open the front door, as I slowly make my way up the stairs. I start to hear moans from my bedroom. Or should I say our bedroom. As I get closer they get louder. "You can't jump to conclusions." I tell myself. I put my ear against the door and hear groans and moans coming from within the room. My heart slowly starts to break. I open the door slightly and see my husband pleasuring another women.

In that moment my mind went blank. I closed the door. They didn't notice. I wouldn't have cared either way. I ran into the library, locked the door. I put my back against it and slowly slide down the door. I held my knees tightly as if my life depended on it. Tears were filling my eyes. The image replayed in my head. After three years of marriage. He decides to fucking cheat. Tears start to flow down my cheeks.

The next day comes and I act as if nothing happened I continue with this act for the next two years

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The next day comes and I act as if nothing happened I continue with this act for the next two years.

End of flashback:
My heart aches. Even though this happened two years ago the wounds are still fresh. I walk out of my bedroom and into Milas. "Momwy i changed all by mwself ," she says proudly. I giggle at her outfit choice. It's a blue shirt, blue pants, and blue shoes. She comes out of the bathroom and hands me her brush. "I love you mowmy." She grabs my hand and makes me sit on her bed while she grabs a stool and sits in front of me. "I love you too sweetheart." I kiss her head. And starts to gently brush her hair.

After a few minutes, we are finally out of her room. We walk down the stairs, when we reach the bottom I stare at the double doors. So many memories came flooding in my head. I smile sadly at them. "Mommy are you okway?" I look down at Mila and nod. "Let's have breakfast love." She smiles and runs to the dinning room. "Don't run inside the house Mila ." She turns around and gives me a shy smile. "Sorry." Is all she says.

Mila sits down, as I walk into the kitchen. "Mmm it spells delicious maria." I walk over to her. "Well it is my specialty," she gives me a hug. "How are you doing sweety?" Her voice filled with pity. "I am okay...I guess." I answer her truthfully. Maria is the only one besides me that knows about Liam's affair. She found me crying in the garden a few days after i saw him and the girl. I told her everything and fell apart in her arms. She held me together. She is like a second mother. She's known me since I was in diapers. She also raised Liam since The Jackson's would drop him off at my house almost every day. She was really disappointed in him. Like I was. She promised to keep it the affair a secret. I sigh. "Just okay, you know I am here if you need anyone to talk to." She smiles at me. "I know." I flash a fake smile as she gives me a kiss on my forehead.

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