Part 14

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Itz_Mocha is the inspiration behind this chapter. She thought that I should give some chapters about other people in the community. The book is gonna jump between both Collins and Maxine.

Before my coming to the community I had a pretty normal life. My mother was the principal at my high school and my father owned the pharmacy downtown.  The morning it happened was crazy, everything was just perfectly chaotic. Mom had offered to give my little sister Hannah and I a ride to school the night before, Hannah took her up on the offer but I declined because I wanted to get some extra sleep, so by the time I had got up they were gone. My dad came into my room to wake me up before he headed off to work. I picked up my body and headed over to the bathroom. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and began my morning routine: brush my teeth, shower, eat breakfast, get dressed and take the dog out for a walk. I grabbed Ace's collar from the living room and began calling to him. I didn't hear him so I thought maybe mom dropped him off at the groomers that morning. I grabbed my backpack from by the front door, locked up the hours and headed toward the school, it was about a fifteen-minute walk from my house so I didn't mind. 

About three minutes into the commute I noticed that there was a black car following me. I didn't know for sure if they were following me for sure, but I began to walk a little faster. Soon the car began to speed up and so did I, but eventually, the car reached up to me. I began to breathe really hard as I watched the tinted window roll down.

"Sorry to scare you hone. We got a little lost and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to point us in the direction of Saffron Creek Hotel. I'm not used to all this technology, and if I'm being honest every little direction this phone gives us confuses me more and more." The woman said with a big smile o her face.

I just stared at her I was still a little petrified, I tried to talk but my mouth just sat there.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" she asked with a concerning look on her face.

'Yeah. I don't know what came over me." I lied. "If you keep going down this road and take a left on North Avenue you will see it on your left-hand side." I told her.

"Thank you so much, umm. I never got your name." She said as she put her had out. 

"Maxine." I told her looking right at her hand. I told her that I had to get going and she said that she and her husband did as well and we went our separate ways. When their car was out of sight I bolted. I ran straight for the next three blocks not looking back once. When I finally stopped I was out of breath, I could feel my heart beating extra fast. I speed walked the next two blocks and finally made it to the school. When I got there I went straight to class and forgot all about the weird people I had met this morning. When the bell rang I met up with Hannah and we both walked to moms office as we did any other day. We both sat waiting and during that time we had both managed to get our homework done. Mom finally stopped doing work to bring us home. 

"How was school today girls?" Mom asked us.

"Like you don't already know. You keep tabs on us." Hannah commented. She wasn't wrong, that was the downside of having your mom run your school. 

"Anyway... What do you guys want for dinner?"She asked. 

"Chinese." Hannah and I replied at the same time. 

"Hey, by any chance did you take Ace to the groomer? I went to take him for a walk and couldn't find him." I asked. She shook her head no. Maybe dad did. We got home and mom hopped on the phone to order dinner. 

"The delivery guy is out sick. Do you guys wanna order something else?" she yelled from her office. 

"No, I can go get it. It gives me a chance to use my new license." I said to her. There was a pause so I ran to her office and saw the look of worry on her face.

"Please, mom. You and dad never let me do anything on my own. Just once." I begged. Of course, she finally gave I. I decided to go right away before she decided to change her mind. I grabbed the keys to the car and rushed out of the door slamming it on the distant words of  "Drive Safe".

When I got to the restaurant I placed the order and decided to pick some things up from the grocery store down the street. The guy told me that it would be about twenty minutes before my order was finished. I walked into the grocery store and was looking around for that potato bread my mom buys when I heard my name being called. 

"Maxine! Maxine!" I heard someone call. I looked around and saw that it was the lady from this morning. I put on a fake smile and said hi to the perky woman.

"Thanks for earlier, we don't know what we would have done without you." She said.

"Well, you would have eventually found it." I thought to myself.

"I am so sorry. I never introduced myself I'm Claire James." She told me

"Nice to meet you Mrs.James but I gotta go." I said quickly turning around and leaving the store. 

"Maxine, don't go. I ..." I ran to the car, got inside locking the doors behind me. I turned it on and out of nowhere I felt a hard knock on the back of my head.

Thank you for reading. I love writing for you guys and thank you so much.


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