Part 2.6

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Rebecca's POV:

It had been about three hours since I discovered Nicolas' absence within the house. I contacted the community watchman to make sure that everyone had their eyes out for Nicolas. I headed down to the office as I was in complete turmoil and working was the way I relieved my stress. I sat in my office looking over the blueprints for the community in the United Kingdom. I went down the list checking to see if everything met my standards. Just as I was about to make some corrections to the contracts, and list my mother came running in, "They found him. Darling." She gasped. "Where is he?" I questioned placing my papers down from on my desk. "That American lady Piper is holding him hostage near the bridge and she's demanding that you show up.". Mother and I hurried over to the location that was spoken about and there they were. Piper had my boy standing off of the side of the bridge with a gun pointed to his back. I was about to run over before she yelled at me to stop in my tracks. "Where's Max?" she yelled. I was angry. "She's back at the facility being held in custody." I yelled back. Piper was quiet. "I don't believe you. I want proof." She cried.

I stood next to my mother who was gripping my hand. "I will personally let you see Max, but you have to do something for me first." I tried to reason. "No, I want proof that she is alive and well." she argued. "Fine!!" I went into my bag and grabbed my tablet. I had some recordings of Max from a few weeks ago, I pulled them up and erased the timestamps before sliding them over to Piper. She picked up the tablet while still holding Nicolas at gunpoint. "Now, I did something for you, why don't you do something for me?" I asked. She looked up at me with her blood red eyes. "No that's not how this is going to go. I want you to have her brought here to me, I then want tickets out of this country." she replied. At this point I was enraged, she had MY child and I was becoming antsy. "Alright let me make the call." I responded. I pulled out my phone and did as she asked of me. The person on the other side knew what I wanted to be done and they were to execute the job. "Just give me the signal on your end.". I hung up the phone.

"I did as you asked of me. Max is on her way here at this very moment and we are arranging two tickets to Beijing." she shot me a look. "Our facilities have not made it over there yet." I promised. I placed both of my hands behind my back making sure to interlock my fingers, and within mere seconds Piper was neutralized. Nicolas stood on the bridge holding his breath as I am sure that this entire ordeal was traumatic for him. One of my employees came running up to me. "Would you like his mind erased?" they asked. "NO! What I want to know is how the hell did Piper make it out of our detainment center." I yelled.

I had Pipers unconscious body brought back to the detention center and waited for her to awaken. She was a little groughy. "It's about time love." I smiled sitting across from her. It took her a moment to realize where she was, but she came around very fast. "Where the hell is Max? I want to see Maxine you crazy bitch." she yelled. "Putting on a scene when there is no audience is just pathetic. And that is definitely not a way to talk to someone. And as for Maxine, I did promise to allow for you to see her so I will hold true to my word.". Pipers eyes lit up but my smile grew wider. I placed the sonogram on the table "Go on take a look." I smiled. Piper looked down at the sonogram and began to burst into tears. "Maxine... I mean Veronica is growing right on track."

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