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Matteo explained the phone call that happened between Stollo and him, "Stollo still insists that it was us that killed his men that night. He wants five of our best men in return of the five deaths of his members."

"I vote Adriano," Kianzo said, jokingly. Adriano, sitting beside him, lifted his head from thinking and looked at Kianzo disapprovingly. Kianzo swung his arm over Adriano's shoulders, bringing him close as he boasted, "Don't worry, I'll go with you too. I'm obviously on the top five."

"Top five?" Marcella asked.

"Yeah, top five of the best looking Il Bisbiglio members."

Giovanni exaggeratedly groaned in pain, "I guess that means I'll be going."

"I volunteer as tribute!" Aiden said, egotistically raising his hand in the air.

"It doesn't work like that, Aiden," Marcella said.

An idea came to my head and I raised my hand for either Matteo or his father to call on me. People saw and looked at me questioningly.

"If you have something to say then just say it. You don't have to raise your hand. It's not a classroom." Marcella told me, quickly grabbing my hand and putting it down.

"Oh, well, what if we poke around and find evidence on the real suspects that killed Stollo's men? Surely if we find out the ones who really did it, Stollo would get off our backs."

Marcella shook her head and explained the complexity of it, "It's not that simple. The scene where Stollo's men were attacked at was cleaned up by Stollo's mafia. Apparently, it was a clean attack on the five. Nothing was left behind, literally. Their wallets, watches, jewelry, and even their shoes were taken from them. A real low blow that high-level mafias wouldn't do."

"It could have been one of the many newer crews, gangs that are trying to make a name for themselves," Giovanni suggested, putting his two cents into the conversation.

"Yet, they didn't claim the attack as their own doing?" I asked.

"If people knew that they were the ones that manage to take down five best members of Stollo's mafia, it would gain themselves popularity. However, it would make them a target by Stollo. As you can tell, he has a thing for revenge."

"Don't we all?" Lorenzo asked. "We can't let Stollo get away after hurting Lauretta, Dante, and Marco."

People murmured in agreement. Francesco cleared his throat and everyone turned their heads to face him. He gave an evil smile as he revealed his plan, "We give Stollo what he wants and more. We are going to give him our best men. It so happens that all of our mafia members are nothing but the best."

A bad feeling in my gut told me to start worrying. A powerful mafia armed with weapons attacking another big mafia that was also well armed with guns does not sound like a good idea.


The meeting ended with Matteo telling people that they got an hour to get ready for the surprise attack. After everyone is done gathering their weapons, we were to meet back in the meeting room to discuss the fighting plan.

"Apparently, we are going to one of the Stollo's mafia house and attack there," I informed Dante, Lauretta, and Marco as I packed my emergency aid bag. They were curious from being left out and stationed in the office.

"That sounds fun. Although, I'll sit this one out." Dante said.

"As if you had an option, boy." His mother scolded.

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