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There was a routine that Aiden and I followed as recovering patients in Quinten's house. I would wake up at around 10 in the morning. It was later than the usual time I'd get up at because of the pain and sleeping medication that I took prior  to bed the night before. From my bed, I'd order food for two through postmates. Surfing the internet, I'd wait for the doorbell.  After receiving the brunch, I'd make my way over to Aiden's neighboring room. Together, we'd eat our late breakfast. This would happen again for lunch and dinner. When we weren't eating in each other's company, I was back in my room. I couldn't tell you what Aiden was doing when I wasn't around but my day consisted of naps and a visit from Dr. Kint. He was a friend of Quinten who specialized in muscle rehabilitation.

Once a day, Dr. Kint would come over to Quinten's and we'd start with a session of physical therapy. Each visit, the difficulty and time of the session increases. The extreme stretching of my arms caused me to become a sweaty mess at the end of the exercise that Dr. Kint planned. After he worked me out, he moved to Aiden. His struggles could be heard through the walls for he usually groaned from uncomfort and pain.

However, today was different. After weeks of physical therapy of Dr. Kent, my arm was out of my sling. Aiden went from being pushed around in his bed to being pushed in a wheelchair to hobbling on his own on crutches. The both of us sat in the living room with Quinten, waiting for Matteo to pick us up.

It wasn't long before Matteo arrived. Quinten held open the door for me and Adien. Aiden walked out and Matteo helped him walk down the driving to the car.

"Thanks a lot," I said to Quinten as I walked out of the front door of his house.

"No problem," he assured with a wide smile. "Really, if you need anything, please come to me."

"I will," I promised. I walked away from Quinten and waved goodbye to him as he stayed at the door.

Aiden was halfway down the driveway with Matteo by his side. I cut through the grass, seeing that it was the fastest way to the car. I hopped into the backseat. Instead of joining me, Aiden rode the passenger seat. I could feel Matteo's piercing gaze through the rearview mirror as he drove. I pretended that I didn't know and continued looking down in my lap where I held my phone.

Matteo and I haven't talked since the time I told him that I want to leave the mafia. I was planning to go the morning after the conversation but Matteo, with the agreement of Quinten, made me stay under the care of Quinten until I got better.

Now that we are at this point, I have no idea what I was going to do. I'll have to figure that out until I get to my room.

Before I could turn off the engine, Ila got out of the car and zoomed in the house. I sighed, cutting off the engine with the turn of the key and exiting out. I walked over to Aiden, who managed to get out of the car by himself. I stayed by his side as we walked up to the driveway to the front door, in case he needed help with anything. The front door was left opened by Ila. By the time we got there, I could see her already reaching the second floor.

"Matteo, your father is in your room," Leo said, noticing me walk in with crippled Aiden.

"When did he come?' I asked.

"Just now," he answered.

"Okay, thank you."

"You go on ahead, I'm going to the kitchen," said  Aiden, before he hobbled away in the direction of the food.

Walking to the elevator, I pulled out my phone. In the elevator, I texted my father to tell him I was coming up. The elevator doors slid open after the small chime of a bell and I arrived at the fourth floor. I walked to my room and opened my door to see my father in my bed with his shoes on. I sighed and closed the door.

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