Chapter 12

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I OWN NOTHING OF ONCE UPON A TIME OR THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!! If I did, then it would be a lot different!!! Regina would have gotten her happy ending! I love her character. After this chapter, it is not going to be following the show or book. Also, I will be working with some of the plots of the show Originals. I'm sorry I am not following the plot. Okay, I know that I said something in an earlier chapter about them knowing Freya, but  I am going to make it where they did not know about her. Sorry.

Klaus POV:

  "So when can we meet our niece and nephew?" Rebekah asked me.

 " Regina says that you guys can meet them. She seemed excited that you guys would be in town." I told her.

 "She should have told you," Elijah said taking a sip of his drink.

 "I know. I am disappointed also." I told him.

 "She gave me her new number so I could message her. I will ask her if we can come over late this afternoon." I told them.

    They both said okay, and then we went our sperate ways. I quickly messaged Regina and asked if I could bring my siblings over to see the twins. She said that it was okay. I messaged her and told her to message me when they are ready for us to come over.

    I went into the room where all my paints are. I decided that I was going to paint the twins. I remembered the picture that Regina had on her phone. I even added Damon. I was going to have to put my difference with him aside. I wanted to be in the twins life. It was about two hours later, and I was almost done with the painting when I got a text from Regina. Yes, I was still mad at her for not telling me that I was a father, but I could not help be happy that she was back into my life. She seemed so much more content then what she was. I had so many questions for her. Was Henry still in her life? Where the twins in school yet? Did they have magical powers as she did? Would they be a hybrid like I was?  I was also worried about them.
     I knew that there were many people after me. I would hate for them to be in trouble like I was. I know that Regina could protect them, but I could do a better job. I am a thousand years old. I am strong enough to be able to take on whatever threatened us. I just hoped that my family did not do anything stupid. I did not think that any of my siblings would cause a problem. I just hoped that we have learned that our mother is not a good person. I don't want to even think about Mikael coming back to life. He was a terror that nobody wanted to deal with. We were on the run from him for a while. It was too long. I never want to be on the run from him again. He will pay for all the pain he caused us.

  I called for Rebekah and Elijah and told them that we were going over to there house. I could just tell from how my siblings were acting that they were happy that they were going to meet the niece and nephew. We decided to run to the edge of town where we walked the rest of the way. We slowed down and walked the rest of the way. When we got to Regina's house, we knocked on the door. I heard Regina telling the kids that they had to pick up their toys because we were coming over. I heard Brently telling her that if I was going to be there father, then they are going to have to learn that we are messy people. I could almost here Regina's eyes rolling at him. I turned to Rebekah and Elijah there were smirking at me.

 "What?" I said to them.

 "Nothing," Elijah said laughing.

Regina opened the door. She was a vision, even when she was not trying. She was in a pair of legging and a baggy t-shirt. The T-shirt had to be 2 or 3 sizes too big. Rebekah ran up and hugged her.

 "I have missed you." She said squeezing her tight.

Regina hugged her back. "I have missed you too."

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