chapter 6

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(Above is a photo of Josh)

I start school today and I'm really not looking forward to it. It's not just cause I don't like school, no one likes school, but I have to start in the middle of the year. Everyone's already made friends and I'll have to catch up on all the school work now. And I'm gonna be the new girl. Nobody ever talks to the new girl. This is the main reason I hated moving from house to house.

I decide to get out of bed and start getting ready. I go to the bathroom to get changed and the worst thing happens. My period started! Why did it have to start today of all days? It really had to start on my first day at a new school. I can already tell this day is going to be terrible.

I look in the cabinets under the sink to see if there's any pads or tampons, but thanks to my luck there isn't. I decide to go downstairs and ask Fiona even though I know its gonna be awkward and embarrassing.

"Hey sweetie, why aren't you getting ready yet?" Fiona asks me.

"Um well I was wondering if you had any um girl stuff?" I ask hesitantly.

"You mean tampons? Of course I do." She says while laughing at how awkward I was being.

She gives me a pack and luckily they're my size. I quickly get ready and decide to wear one of the sweatshirts Jazz got me with some Jean's. I'm surprised it actually looks cute on me. I run downstairs to eat some breakfast and everyone is already there, including Nico.

They all have this weird look on their face and I can tell their hiding something.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We have a surprise for you!" Fiona says excitedly.

"Um ok."

"We got you a phone!" Manny says.

"Really!? You guys didn't have to get me a phone. I don't need one."  I say.

"Well how are we supposed to call you when you're not home?" Manny questions.

"Good point. Thank you so much!" I say while smiling.


Nico drives us to school and tells me to meet him at the car after school. Fiona told Nico to help me find all my classes, but I can tell he doesn't really want to.

"You don't have to help me, I can find my way around myself." I say

"If I don't my mom will get mad at me." Nico says.

"She doesn't have to know." I state.

He looks like he's considering it. "Are you sure your fine on your own?" Nico asks me.

"I am capable of finding my own way around a school."

"If you say so." He says while walking off.

I start walking to the main office to get my schedule. I look at the map and it's so confusing. There's so many lines and squares and I don't know where anything is. I'm starting to regret telling Nico I didn't need help. Why am I so dumb?

I keep walking in the hall while looking at the map trying to find my first class. Me being my dumb self I bump right into someone.

"Watch where you're going." The guy I bumped into said.

"Im so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say while picking up my papers off the floor.

"I've never seen you around here. Are you knew?" The guy I bumped into asks me.

"Ya. Actually could you help me find room 102? I can't find it and this map makes no sense." I say.

"That's cause this map is like 200 years old." He says while chuckling. "I'm going to room 102 anyway just follow me."

"Oh ok thank you." I tell him as we walk to the class.

We walk past Nico and I notice he is glaring at Josh, the guy showing me to my class. He walks up to us.

"What are you doing with my friend?"
Nico says in an angry tone.

"Back off I'm just showing her to her class." Josh says.

"I thought you said you didn't need any help getting to class?" Nico questions me.

"I um kinda did need some help. It's actually a lot harder than it seems to find your way around, this school is huge." I say while trying to ease the obvious tension.

"Well I can show you from here. Josh, thankyou for helping her." Nico says.

"I'm going to the same class anyway. I can take her." Josh says.

"No it's fine I can take her." Nico says getting frustrated.

"You'll have to go all the way back to your class, I can easily take her." Josh says.

"Guys stop. I'll just go with Josh since we have the same class. I'll see you at lunch Nico." I say.

"Fine." Nico says while walking away angrily. What is his problem with Josh.

"You're friends with Nico?" Josh questions me.

"Um ya I'm staying with him."

"You're living with him?" Josh questions me again.



"Because I can."

"Are you a foreign exchange student or something?" He asks again.

"No, I used to live next door to him." I say starting to get frustrated with all these questions. I hate when people ask me a lot of questions.

"You moved back?" He asks again.

"Oh my god what is with all the questions? And what's your problem with Nico?" I yell a little too loudly.

"Sorry I'm just trying to make small talk. And I don't have a problem with Nico, he has a problem with me."

"Why does he have a problem with you."

Josh sighs. "Its just some stupid long story."


We walk into first period and the bell rings. I sit down in an empty seat and the teacher starts talking.

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