chapter 9

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It has been a really good week. Nico and I have been getting along a lot better now and he's being nicer to me. Also, school hasn't been bad either. I didn't have much work or any tests going on this week either. I'm pretty sure all my teachers were just too lazy to do anything, but atleast I don't have to do any work. I've also been getting a lot closer with Nico's friend group. I sit with them at lunch every day and some of them are in my classes too, so I've got to know them a lot better. Jazz and I have been continuing our movie marathon  and I've noticed I've grown to liking movies a lot.

Today is finally Friday  which means weekend! I love the weekend, I mean obviously everyone does. You don't have to do any work and you can just relax.

My phone buzzes from my back pocket and I look to see who texted me.

Jazz added you to squad

Jazz: Hey guys there's a party this weekend and all of yall r coming

Garret: PARTY!

Sydney: I am in dire need of a party

Nico: I'm in

Jackson: count me in

Lola: yessss

Alex: We gonna party!!

I haven't been to many high school parties because of my step dad and when I was in foster care it wasn't easy to sneak out and go to a party because if you got caught you'de probably get sent to another home. The few parties I have been to didn't end well.

This one time me and some of the other foster kids decided to go to this party downtown. We went and everyone there hated us and were calling us names because we were foster kids. Somebody had called the cops and we didn't run in time and so we all got arrested. After that we were all sent to different homes.

This other time when my friend and I went to a party I got really drunk and somebody slipped something in my drink and they took advantage of me. When I woke up I was lying in a random alley that was an hour away from my house and I had to walk home. I got in trouble with my foster parents and was sent to a different home.

I don't think I'm gonna go to the party because something always ends up going wrong. Besides I like my living situation right now and I don't want to mess that up.

I hear my phone buzz again. A few of the other guys have said they're going too.

Jazz: Mya ru coming?

I want to hang out with all of them, but I really don't think I should be going to a party. Atleast not until Manny and Fiona like me enough to never return me.

Me: I'm not really in the mood for a party

Sydney: but it wont be fun without you

Jazz: you have to come

Garret: who's supposed to be my wing man if u dont come?

Nico: u should come, it'll be fun

I'm surprised from the last text. I didn't think Nico cared. I didn't know all of them cared that much. Should I go?

U know what happens when you party

Who are you?

I'm your FBI agent


I'm joking, I'm  your conscience dummy

Oh. What are you doing here?

I'm in your head, where else would I be

Oh ya Haha

Oh my god you're  so slow


Whatever. I'm just letting you know that you can't go to that party

But I want to

Cuz Nico said to

What no

Ya right we both know you secretly like him and want him to like you

What do you mean 'we both' we're the same person and I don't like him we're just friends and he probably has a girlfriend anyway

Jealous much

My fight with my conscience is interrupted when I hear my phone buzz again.

Jazz: pls come

Me: ok

Sydney: yay!

Jazz: this is gonna be so much fun

Garret: I got my wingman!


Sydney, Jazz and a couple of the other girls come over to get ready for the party. Sydney is applying her make up while Lola, one of the other girls, is trying to chose between two outfits. Jazz is trying to put on her too tight dress in the corner struggling more than she should be. Alex, one of the other girls, is already ready and just staring at her phone.

I on the other hand have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just standing on the side holding my dress in my hand. Jazz said she would do my makeup for me because I am terrible at makeup, but considering how long it's taking to put her dress on I don't think she'll have time. I decide to go put on my dress in the bathroom. When I get back mostly everyone is done getting ready.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" Lola asks me.

"Jazz was supposed to do my make up." I say while we all look at Jazz who is still putting her dress on.

"I've been stuck in this dress this whole time and none of yall even bothered to help me!" Jazz yells.

We all start laughing at her. She was so determined to wear that dress and it doesn't even fit.

"Help me!" Jazz yells again.

Alex goes to help her, but doesn't do much because its stuck. Sydney tries to go help her and decides that we have to cut her cut of it.

"You are  not cutting my dress! This is my favorite dress." Jazz says.

"There's no other way to get you out." Alex says.

"Maybe if you didn't eat that whole pizza you could fit." Lola says.

Everyone in the room starts laughing but Jazz just gets mad.

"Hey! I did not eat the whole pizza. I ate three quarters of it!" Jazz yells seeming really mad and about to cry.

"Okay guys stop laughing at her. Let me try and take the dress off." I say while walking towards Jazz.

I try to pull the dress down rather than up and after a few tugs it comes off. Everyone looks so surprised.

"How did you do that?" Alex questions.

"I just pulled it off." I say.

"And you were about to cut my favorite dress." Jazz says to Sydney who's rolling her eyes at Jazz.

"I'll do Mya's makeup while you get ready." Lola says while leading me to the dresser.

It doesn't take long to do my makeup and by the time I'm ready Jazz is ready as well. We all get in the car on our way to the party. We made Nico our driver for tonight because none of us felt like driving.

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Sry this chapter is really boring. It's kinda like a transition chapter.

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