Dear God

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"Haha i'm faster than you, you know. You can't run~" She said.


You managed to run and lead her away from the others. Luckily for you. There is a convenient abandoned warehouse. Where there are basically no people at all. And today there hasn't been a lot of people too when you follow Ruby.

So convenient.

You look at her and Sierra look happy.

Sierra dissapears and appears behind you, she kicked you, but you managed to sidestepped it, and you jump away to get some distance. But she instantly closed in on you. To traded blows.

If people were there. It would look like you and her keep dissapearing and then appearing from places to places, clashing your blade with her's.

Damn it aaaaaaaaaaall!

She swing her blade, and you blocks it with yours. She push her blade, her face inches from your helmet.

"So....Who's your new friends? Should i be worried that some girl will take my title as 'best girl' in your heart" she said grinning.

Oh you can't lose what you don't have, lady. You have never hold that title. Like ever.

She pouts. She jumps back.

"Jeez, will you not talk with me? We're alone you know~? Don't be shy. Hehe. And please show me that face. It's been so long.." she said.

Not long enough...

Suddenly your field of vision were cut in half. The glass were cut, Sierra snaps her fingers and your helmet falls off.

"Ah~ there we go. Isn't that better?"

Oi oi this is bad...she's even more faster than the last time i met her...

You take a quick glance around, tonsee things that you aready know, but you did it anyway.

No place to hide, i can't run. She've proven her speed. It's higher than mine. So unless i even out the playing field by using my semblance. I won't win. But there is more than one problem with that....shit!...i'm just downright fucked aren't i?

"Hehe~" She chuckles.

But even in this predicament your smile didn't falter...but your eyebrows and eyes certainly show some uncertainty.

Sierra clap her hand. The sound vibrates and bounce off the empty room.

"Ooh before we kill each other. Let's talk first. And i already have a topic in mind. And that is: Who's that girl just now? The one with the silver eyes. It's so so beautiful...oh! Don't worry i think yours are even better! So don't get jealous okay? Hehe though...i kinda want to see your jealous face..hehe"

..Good. okay that's good. She have started 'the pattern' this woman is suprisingly talkative. After this she's probably gonna start acting all crazy. She might even suddenly attack me. I have to dodged it. And then after that. She'll talk even more and even starts fantasizing. All i have to do now is to wait until Ruby and the others are gone. While keeping her away from the 'final fantasy' speech. If i can do all that then i can sayonara to this place and book it!

"Hehe tell me, y/n. Have you started..talking with her. Are you two at that stage yet?"

You shake your head.

Just play along...

"Oooh good, good. But you know...i got a feeling that will happen soon one of these days. I don't know why, but it kinda-"

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