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     Two days later, Ayinde came over but Ayo was still in the market so her Grandmother called her,

"Hello Ayodunmomi."

"Hello Mama."

"Baba e ti de o (Your father has arrived o), so, come home as soon as you can."

"Okay Mama." She replied and began to pack up.

Two hours later, the three of them were headed to the palace. As soon as the guards opened the gate for them, they were taken t the waiting room then one of the guards at the waiting room asked,

"What is your mission, Mama?"

Ayo's grandmother answered, "I want to see Kabiesi* to thank him for allowing his son to sponsor my daughter."

Another guard said, "Okay. Wait here while I inform the King."

Some twenty minutes later, the guard came back and said,

"Follow me." He took them to the visitor's sitting room where the King was already seated. He had been baffled by what the guard told him so he ordered him to bring the people in.

As soon as they got in and sighted the King, they all chorused,

"Kaaaaabiesi o, Ki ade pe Lori, Ki bata pe lese*."

The King replied after taking his seat and waving his irukere*, "Thank you. Have your seat please."

They all chorused, "Thank you Kabiesi."

Then the King asked, "Mama, what brings you to my palace this evening? I believe this is your son and granddaughter?"

Ayo's Grandmother answered, "Yes Kabiesi. We came to thank you for the privilege Prince Adekorede has given to my granddaughter to sponsor her education."

The King turned his gaze upon Ayo, "Is that so, my daughter?"

"Yes Kabiesi." Ayo said kneeling down and bowing her head.

The King ordered, "Sanya, let my Queen and Adekorede know I need their attention here."

"Yes My King." The guard said and left. A few minutes later, Olori Adenike and Kore came in, they paid obeisance to the King then sat down. Kore was surprised to see Ayo and her Grandmother in the palace.

The King said, "Korede, these people came to me to tell me that you are sponsoring her education."

Kore affirmed, "Yes Dad. I told Mum about it. You were busy so I had to keep it quiet."

The King asked his wife, "Adenike is that true?"

Olori Adenike answered, "Yes, My King."

The King said, "Okay. I am sorry o, Mama. I just had to be sure. He didn't mention it to me before."

"No problem Kabiesi." Ayo's Grandmother replied.

"So, my daughter what is your name?" The King asked,

"Ayodunmomi Bankole sir." Ayo answered,

The King asked, "Korede, how do you plan to make this arrangement work?" 

"Dad, it's up to her, if she wants to study in Lagos, she can stay in the boys quarter in my compound to cut cost of accommodation and if she wants to stay outside or school anywhere else for that matter, it's her choice. Mine is to provide the money." Kore explained.

The King turned to Ayinde, "Mister, I believe you are the father, what's your name?"

Ayinde answered, "My name is Ayinde, Your Highness."

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