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     Ayo plopped down heavily on the soft bed as soon as Kore opened the door to their suite. He must have entered the room because some minutes later, he asked,

"What are you doing?"

"Resting?" She answered with a raised brow,

"Stand up jare, we are eating out."

"Kore, no, no, no, please."

"Please what?"

"Please, let's just order room service."

"Is this how you are going to dull our weekend with your privacy privacy policy?"

"Baby, no nao. I am just tired tonight. Okay, I promise you, from tomorrow wherever you want us to go, I'm game."

"Hmm. Okay. Let me make some calls all right?"

"Okay." Ayo replied and he bent down and kissed the side of her head then he went out of the room.


     Some twenty minutes later, Ayo stepped out of the bathroom. She put on a white bath robe and went to the the other room to with the intention of reprimanding Kore who was still on call. As she got there, he was saying,

"Yeah. Just group all of them into regions. Okay. List out those companies for me again."

Just as she got close enough to carry out her intention, someone knocked and she went towards the door, asking,

"Who is there?"

"Room service." The voice from the other side of the door answered and Ayo went to open the door. A lady dressed in the hotels uniform for waiters and waitresses wheeled in the food and placed the covered trays and plates on the table. Then she took her leave after telling Ayo 'you are welcome' to her 'thank you'. Ayo locked the door and turned to give Kore a earful only for him to be nowhere. She went out inside the bedroom and realized he was taking his bath and so she calmed down and changed into her pajamas.


    The next day, they woke up early to go sightseeing and shopping as well as paintballing. They returned back to their suite late in the afternoon then they sat down and talked and talked and talked.

Around 6pm in the evening, Kore made Ayo go take her bath in preparation for dinner and then he laid down a white chiffon flowy dress on the bed with a red rose.

She came out of the bathroom few minutes after and was surprised at the package on the dress. Kore was in the other room. As she picked up the rose, he walked in,

"Why would you get me a rose?"

"Because you deserve one. Come on put on that dress. I want to go watch the sunset with you while we eat dinner."

She smiled and walked up to him and kissed him full in the mouth then said,

"I can't wait."

Kore took a shower and changed into shorts and a shirt leaving some buttons undone and looking effortlessly sexy. Hand in hand, they walked out of the hotel and Kore led her to the beach.

"Wow! There is a private beach on the hotel property?"

"Yeah. I guess they just got a part of the beach and bought the whole damn thing and built their hotel on it."

"This place is so beautiful."

"It is still ugly in comparison to you."

"Abeg no dey whyne me jare*."

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