I was born in the wrong timeline...

57 2 0

-x Recap x-

My god zombies!
Dramatic music
Poor poor sister
Dramatic music
Action PEW PEW!!!
Dramatic music bitch!
Ohhh seductive pole dancing ohh
Drama-fucking-tic music
My sister is a... a.. zoMbIE?!!...
*dishhhhhhhh* *fade to black*

Edlins pov :-

"Noooooooooo!!" Horrible! Repulsive! deAd!! My frikkin sister!...
Zombie izzy let out a shrill almost human like scream dropping the baseball bat from her hands onto her own feet.
"Ow ow oww" she clutched at her feet hopping aroun... Wait a holy second! I didnt know they could still talk... unless.
"Edddie!!!" another shrill squeal before a body hit mine and izzy was sprawled over me hugging me tight.
"I think.... I think, I liked you better when you were dead" I choked out.
"If you dont mind getting off me, I'd rather like not using my lower half as the bait for undead" I wriggled out of her dog door.
"What are you doing here?! There is a zombie apocalypse going on out there!!!" She got off me flailing her hands around. I got up dusting myself off.
"Oh geez really? I must have missed the memo somewhere!" But all sorts of sarcasm was lost on the idiot.
"We got memos about this?" I scrunched up my face, regretting not bashing her head in when I still had the chance. The words 'fucking idiot' were just about to leave my mouth when...
"Babe you ok? I heard a scream!"
The inhuman wail I let out as I launched my pan at the towel clad guy was admittedly not my proudest moment. He ducked just in time to avoid a concussion.
"Mate?!!!" He looked offended, clutching onto his towel. I sighed relieved "sorry, thought you were a zombie". He waved his hand "it's ..."
The microwave dish hit him square in the face.
"Intrudeeerrr!" I cried out before picking up izzys baseball bat and launching myself onto him
"OhnonoNooo!" Izzy barreled between us stopping me from beating this thug up.
" Iz?!! Stranger danger!!! Theres a half naked intruder in your home! This is'nt the time for your no violence shit!!!"
"He isnt really an intruder you know..." she replied sheepishly helping the guy onto his feet as he clutched his bleeding nose.
" Shit! A friend? I am so sorry!" I apologized. Afterall I am not about to become the designated wierd sister, and also if Izzy had done the same with Zeb I would have been rightfully mad, after laughing my ass off first though.
She scratched the back of her neck shifting on her feet "Actually, Noah's my boyfriend..."
The knife missed his head by a mere centimeter.
"What the fuck Edlin?!!!"
"Shut the fuck up Isadora!!!"
I took in a deep breath ok, ok, ok. Its just her BoYFrIenD!! HER BOYFRIEND.
I am pretty sure we had a rule somewhere FIRMLY stating that Izzy couldn't date until... forever!!!
What?! Oh I am sorry for all those of you judgemental asses sitting comfortably in your warm beds reading this and going 'wierdo' under your breath. WE are having a world ending crisis, so sorry if I AM a bit emotional! And dont tell me you wouldn't have reacted the same if your baby sister introduced you to her half naked boyfriend in the middle of an apocalypse... speaking of which.
"Please put some clothes on before I am tempted to chuck something else at you, and this time I swear I won't miss, I was the 'throw-anything-that-you-can-get-your-hands-on-at-your-sisters-boyfriend-until-he-is-dead' champion in highschool for 3 years straight!" I glared at him.
Izzy was already ushering him to (her, his, their?... I dont even wanna think about it, THE) the bedroom, one look at his scared face and she was already frowning at me, oh great. We are off to a GREAT start!!!
"First off, there was no such thing as a 'throw-anything-that-you-can-get-your-hands-on-at-your-sisters-boyfriend-until-he-is-dead' tournament. And.."
"Yes there was!"
"No, there wasn't. And secondly, even if there was, SHE was no champion."
"Yes I WAS!"
"NO you weren't"
I rolled my eyes, "what the fuck are you covered in anyways?"
She waved her hands over her slime covered face "oh this! Thats just the new aloe pack I had bought at the store. Its pretty good, reduces dark spot, fai..." "Disgusting."
I rummaged around the house trynna find something edible before my head shot up. "Wait a min, I didnt even ask you why I was here"
She frowned " that sentence makes no sense, how am I supposed to kn..."
"Why'd you text me?" I cut her off.
"You look alright." I inspected her.
She made a face. "I didnt text you."
This time I was the one doing the frowning while flicking the phone into her face. "Check my inbox. 2 days ago. Cause if you dont remember texting me then, either you're turning into an amnesiac or that 'boyfriend' of yours has a real nasty pranking streak, In which case I need you to hand over the keys to the knife cabinet."
She just grunted opening my inbox. "oh this!... I take it you didn't get my next message"

"what message?"

"ummmm. the fact that.... how do I say this without getting killed or sounding like a total jerk in this case?...."

"Just say it, I didn't just risk my life for you to not even tell me what I risked it for in the first place!"

she blew out a breath " Don't kill me but there was this party Saturday night and I was so confused about what to wear, and honestly it was gonna be huge, and I didn't know if I was gonna be..."

"don't you dAre tell me this 'emergency' of yours was a DaMN dress up choice?"

She cringed "yeah, pretty much black or red..."


authors note:

I am sooo damn sorry for the long ass delays, secondly this is a real short cringey filler becauseeee,,, writers block. I am sorry for that too

thirdly the 3 in universe writers of this story are kindda on a vacation so yeah sorry for that too

and lastly (damn im on an apologizing streak, got a lotta things to apologize for) this chapter wasn't supposed to end where it did but I somehow managed to accidentally upload it a few days ago, incomplete might I add sooo I thought why not just edit it a bit and put it out there, hopefully the next chapter will be out in a week.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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