𝕬 𝕿𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕱𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝕺𝖋 𝕭𝖎+𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘

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||Chapter 6: A Table Full Of Bi+ches||

It was full of people - or Gods. I looked around the long table that expanded from one end of the room to the other and wondered where the hell it had come from. It wasn't here the first time I walked in.

I sat down next to Hades and leaned over his ear. "Can I please have your jacket?" I whispered politely into his ear. He looked over at me but didn't say anything and took off his jacket. I grabbed it from his hands and placed them on my naked legs. Hades glanced down at me and gave a smile of satisfaction.

To be quite honest, I knew this outfit was over the top. But he needed a lesson. No one ever tells me what to wear or what to do. Clothes aren't my life story. They don't represent who I am, so even if I would wear an exaggerated outfit like this, it does not say anything about my morals or personality. 

In front of me sat the two gossiping girls from earlier. The brunette one was leaning over Poseidon giving him a kiss on his cheek while the other one was chatting with Zeus. I knew they were human because there was no way two ugly creatures like that could be Goddesses, but what shocked me the most was the poor taste that both high ranked Gods had.

Finally, the blond one noticed my presence and turned over to me. She gave me one of the fakest smiles I have ever seen and introduced herself. "Hi," she said in a high pitched voice. "My name is Caroline and you are?"

I smiled at her and shook her hand, "Isabella."

"What a beautiful name!" The brunette joined. "My name is Mary."

More like Bloody Mary.

"It's a pleasure," I started, taking a sip of the cup of water that was in front of me. Caroline looked at the glass and laughed gesturing with her hands for me to place the cup down. I raised my eyebrow but did what I was told.

"Why don't you have some wine," she said looking over at Zeus as if giving him orders telepathically. It took a while for Zeus to get the message and he snapped his fingers, turning my water into wine.

"No, thank you," I said politely pushing the cup away. "I don't drink."

"Oh I'm sorry," she apologized sarcastically. "You look like you do. I mean it looks like you just came out a strip club."

I stared at her looking her eye to eye. "Honey don't get me confused with you. I'm not your mirror." I gulped down the glass of wine and leaned my head lazily on Hades's broad shoulder.

"Zeus, did you hear her?" Caroline yelled making everyone in the table look towards us. "She's evil!"

I laughed at her drama and smirked. "I'm not evil, Caroline. You don't know evil. But if I ever hear you talking shit about my husband again I will pull those pretty little teeth of yours out one by one," I threatened. I was about to say more when Hades cut me off.

"What do you mean?" He asked not exactly at me but also not exactly at Caroline. Once I knew no one was going to say shit, I reached towards his ear and whispered the answer to his question.

Hades looked over at Zeus calmly. "I would suggest you leave," he said staring at Caroline with daggers in his eyes.

Caroline shifted in her seat uncomfortably and opened her mouth to say something but Zeus quickly interrupted her by standing up and nodding towards his brother.

"Of course," he said calmly. Zeus stared at Caroline, telling her to get up. Embarrassed, Caroline grabbed her things and looked over at her friend who didn't dare look back. "I hope this doesn't cause any trouble between us." Hades stayed quiet for a few seconds but I squeezed his hand underneath the table and he nodded.

"Don't worry," he said as he watched his brother leave with his wife.

After that, we ate in silence. No one spoke or had anything to say. I began feeling guilty and wanted to apologize but I didn't quite know how to. I did not want to bring the problem to the table again.

After the party, everyone said their goodbyes and left. I still didn't know anyone but I was polite enough to make sure they left comfortably.

I looked at the mirror as I began removing my clothes, but once my furred jacket hit the floor someone knocked on the door. Almost as if I knew who it was I turned around quickly and let him in.

I crossed my arms as he closed the door behind him, leaving us in complete privacy.

Hades scratched the nape of his neck and looked down at me. "Thank you for today," he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't worry about it. Anyone would do the same," I said smiling.

"No they wouldn't," he stated gazing up at me.

I grabbed his hands that laid on his lap and squeezed them. "Well if I'm going to marry you I have to have your back, right?" I said kneeling down and laying my head on his lap. He glanced down at my sudden change of mood but made himself comfortable and began playing with the locks of my hair.

"You were made to be my wife," he stated tangling my hair around his finger. "Your threats are really...unique."

I laughed and shifted a little bit, "Ah come on! It took me a lot of effort to come up with that."

"It was good. Amateur but good," he chuckled.

"Well then," I said looking up at him. "What would you have said?"

"I don't threaten. I use actions," he said placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I gazed up at him, his beautiful eyes bewitching me. His eyes roamed my face; from my eyes to my nose to my lips. My lips became slightly patterned as if they were waiting for something. Knowing this, Hades began leaning down towards me. I could feel his hot minty breath on my red cheeks. Unfortunately, once we were only centimeters away an alarm went off in my head and I smacked his lips away. Literally.

He leaned back surprised and I got up pulling onto his arm. "You got to leave," I said pushing him out the door. "I got to sleep. You got to sleep! Everyone has to sleep! Haha!" As soon as he was outside the room I closed the doors and locked them.

What the fuck did I almost just do?

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