Chapter Eight

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Once again back amongst the trees, Soren felt that she could finally breathe. The cabin whilst homey and comfortable was too much for her. Not when she had to share the space with James. He took up too much of the already small space, too much of the air she was trying and failing to breathe. His presence was everywhere and in everything, every aspect of the quaint home reminded her of him. Not to mention the smell of him that permeated every room.

It was all too overwhelming. Her heart felt like it was going to burst every time they were in proximity to each other, but even worse it felt like it might stop beating all together with every step she took further away from his embrace. It was like there was a string tethering her to him, calling at her to return and jump into his arms, where she knew she was safe and taken care of. She wouldn't though, she couldn't allow herself to give up all the control she had had over the past however many years amongst the wild.

She could tell he had questions for her. She could practically see the gears turning in his head and it was impossible not to notice the way his eyes lit up with curiosity as she spoke of her past. It was only natural for him to be curious, she supposed, she was after all a lone girl in the woods, speaking of talking trees and parental winds. She may not have lived amongst the humans long, but she knew her situation was not a common one. She knew she was one of a kind in almost every way.

It didn't change the fact however, that she was reluctant to share every aspect of her life just yet. Just yet.

Because she knew it was only a matter of time before she spilled all of her many secrets. There was something about the way he made her feel, the comfort and sense of home that came with his presence, that would force the words out of her. She had already said more than she had planned earlier that day in the kitchen. In all actuality she had not planned on saying anything at all. Walking into the cabin after the peaceful night under the watchful eye of the moon, she had been hit with the savory scent of food – breakfast. It had taken her back to their time amidst the trees, when he was providing for her, caring for her, being therefor her.

It was hard not to fall prey to the comforting atmosphere, it had been so long since she had watched someone make breakfast. It brought her back to memories of her parents dancing in the kitchen and it sent pangs of longing to her heart. She craved what her parents had had, the type of relationship that allowed them to be so head over heels in love for one another. However, she knew that was not what fate had in store for her, her solitary life was the one she had been meant to live.

He had broken her out of her thoughts when he placed the meal before her. A plate heaping with food that she struggled to identify. It smelled amazing, her nose hit with the aroma of warm and comforting foods that she was sure to enjoy. She could not begin to understand why he was doing this for her, why he was going out of his way to make sure she ate and slept and was safe. He once again broke her away from her endless musings with questions of his own. Unlike her, he was not afraid to voice his many queries and questions.

Answering the best she could, she could not help but get frustrated with his disbelief. Did he think she would lie? Did he think she was crazy? That she did not know her own mind? There was no logical explanation for the feelings of anger and betrayal that had filled her to the brim. She had stormed outside once more, going to the only place she knew could bring her peace and calm the brewing storm inside her.

Now, walking under the canopy of leaves, she knew she had overreacted. It was understandable for him to be curious, and even more so to doubt her connection with the nature around her. It was not something he was familiar with, although you'd think that a man who could turn into a wolf would not be so willing to discard her claim. She knew he had never come across someone like her, so it shouldn't have bothered her that he had questions. The betrayal that had been growing in her stomach was unjustified, but she couldn't help but feel like he was meant to believe her no matter what.

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