Chapter Eleven

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Soren still hadn't showered by the time James had finished dinner. She could tell because the sounds of pots and pans clanging had stopped and she could almost sense his presence at the kitchen island, sitting and waiting for her to show. She knew he could tell she hadn't showered yet, she had fast learned that his senses were much more heightened than hers and that he would've been able to hear the running of the water. She appreciated the fact that he hadn't come bursting up the stairs yet, she could picture him banging on the door asking her what's wrong and how he could help, but he held back, and for that she was grateful.

It wasn't that she didn't want to shower, or even that she couldn't figure out how it worked. Rather the reason she stood motionless, bare feet planted firmly on the hardwood floor, was the floor to ceiling mirror that took up part of the bathroom wall. It had been years since she had seen her true reflection, as a small child her family had had a cracked hand-held mirror that she used to be bewitched by. She had used to stare at herself in curiosity as a child, sometimes pretending that the girl in the mirror was a friend from the neighbourhood, another girl that could play games with her. Since the woods she had only ever caught versions of her reflection in the running water of the stream, watching as it morphed her features.

Now though, she was entranced and almost scared of the girl that stared back at her. Warm light cascaded off of her golden blonde locks, a tangled mess down her back. Her cheekbones were high but gaunt and it looked like she was severely malnourished. The clothes she was wearing drowned her, her dirty toes peeking out from the bottoms of the light grey sweatpants she was wearing. Soren didn't recognize the poor helpless stranger that stared back at her. Without her furs and her bow the girl in the mirror looked lost and out of place. Unrecognizable eyes locked eyes with hers, they were a haunting blue grey, deep and lonely. If eyes truly were the windows to the soul, one look at Soren's and you'd question how she could still have one, years of isolation and repressed emotions – more specifically misery, were hidden behind them.

A knock on the door behind her alerted her to James' presence, it seemed he could only stay away for so long, and she was sure her lack of motion had made him nervous.

"Ren? You okay in there? Do you need help working the shower?" When she didn't answer he knocked again,

"If you don't answer I'm going to have to come in, I need to know your okay."

Soren moved her lips in response, but no sound came out. She could not make her focus leave the ghost of herself that stood across from her. She heard the handle of the door turn, she had not locked it, showing once again how much trust she had placed in James and his intentions. He came into view in the mirror, he was stood behind her with concern in his eyes. Much like hers, James' eyes told a story, only his was one of caring and compassion, where hers was one of loss and hopelessness.

"Is that me?" She whispered, her voice sounding hoarse as it left her, her throat was clenched tight and she felt for the first time in years that she might be close to tears.

Taking a risk, James placed his calloused hand on her bicep, pulling her into his chest,

"You're beautiful."

His words hung in the air between them as he waited for her to acknowledge them, but it was like she hadn't heard him, so focused on herself. His heart broke for his mate as she stared at the person she had become. While noticeably thin, with a feral air to her, he wasn't lying when he said she was beautiful. She was dirty and frail, but he knew after a shower, some clothes that fit and a healthy well-balanced diet, she'd be regal in her looks. He liked the savage aura about her, it would make her fit in more amongst the wolves, and he knew after a bit of training and a history lesson, she would make the perfect Beta Female.

SorenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant