Chapter 9: Just Entering if you Don't Break Anything

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The next day, Kula was standing in a building surrounded by bigger and tougher looking people— all villains Shigaraki had recruited to break into the USJ better known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Apparently All Might was going to be there with class 1-A overseeing some rescue training for the students along with Eraser Head and Thirteen.

"Any minute now." A villain muttered from beside Kula, "Any minute until we kill the Symbol of Peace."

Kula felt her breath hitch, but forced herself to keep a neutral expression, staring straight in front of her at a woman with pigtails that would rise and spin every other minute in what Kula presumed was excitement.

"They're here! The portals are here!" A man from the front shouted and the crowd started moving, going through each individual portal that was in front of them.

Taking a breath and walking through hers before she was forced to be warped, Kula found herself inside a building, rubble littered the ground and it looked strangely similar to her apartment— if it wasn't for the fact that when she looked out the window she was able to see a ship floating peacefully in the water along with a large waterslide.

Glancing at the stairway, Kula saw the distant figures of who she assumed to be Class 1-A. They're no older than I am. She thought to herself as a man jumped down the stairs, his scarf billowing out from behind him. "Eraser Head." She said to herself, unable to hide the admiration in her voice as she watched her favorite pro hero fight the villains in the center of the USJ.

"Hey! That portal man is going to teleport some of those kids here at any moment!" A villain said, grabbing Kula's shoulder and pulling her away from the window, taking her attention from the fight in the middle to the fallen apartment. "You have to help beat these children up too, even if you're just a kid yourself."

Kula narrowed her eyes. "Whatever." She grumbled, spareing one last glance out the window at the students on the top of the stairs seeing that they were encompassed in a dome of shadowy mist.

In front of her, Kula watched as a portal opened up and two boys fell to the ground, one of them shouting curses.

"That damn fucking shadow gumby!" The blond one shouted, explosions coming out of his hand.

The villains around Kula didn't even give the two a chance to collect themselves before attacking all at once. All of them except Kula, who took a few steps back. She might act tough, but the bile rising in her throat and the anxiety that was causing her whole body to tremble made her as defenseless as a baby. It didn't help that she had no weapons with her because she was just suddenly teleported from her apartment into the building. Sure, she had combat skills but something told her that if she got too close to the blond, her face would be blown off and her punches wouldn't do much against the red-head considering his quirk made his skin hard as rock.

"Hey, you standing in the back! You'd better not be planning anything!" One of the boys shouted, and Kula looked up to see the blond glaring at her, walking up while setting explosions off with his hand.

Swallowing the bile that was rising in her throat, Kula narrowed her eyes and glared cooly at the boy. "Don't worry, I'm not going to fight you." She said, successfully preventing her voice from shaking.

"And how are we supposed to know that you're not trying to fool us?" He asked.

"Because I'll tell you what Handy McHandface's plan is. He's come here to kill All Might. He has a secret weapon that he!s rambled about before, but I'm only used for my quirk so I don't know anything more." She shrugged and looked away, staring out the window to see a large spout of water rise up from the Ship wreak zone, "Do what you want with that information."

"How do we know we can trust you, huh?" The red haired teen asked skeptically.

"You don't. It's entirely up to you. I don't actually care as long as I get to stay here and not fight anyone." Or have to use my quirk. She added silently to herself. "If I were you, I'd just leave this area and help Eraser Head, or some of your classmates."

"I think we should listen to her. One less person to fight, right Bakugo?" The red head persuaded, placing a hand on the blond haired teen's— Bakugo's— shoulder, only to have it be shaken off.

"Fine. Whatever." Bakugo said, "But you'd better not be lying about any of this. If you are, I'll find you and then kill you." With that, the two of them walked out of the room leaving Kula standing alone in the room with defeated villains all around her.

"Kill me? Please do." Kula breathed out as she fell to her knees. She didn't know. If it was because of the pure exhaustion she was feeling or because of the wave of relief that washed over her once they left, either way, she was glad that the two teens were gone— she would not want to get in a fight with that blond boy.

Forcing herself to stand up Kula walked over to the window to watch was was happening out in the plaza, curious as to why it had suddenly gone quiet. She saw that the entrance had been busted open, and All Might had entered the building, a look of anger on his face as jumped down from the top of the stairs.

A sudden wave of relief washed over Kula and a smile made it's way to her face. "Thank God." She murmured as she watched the events in the center unfold. All Might knocked out all the low-tier villains in the middle and saving Eraser Head from the Nomu which Kula was happy about, watching her favorite her be beaten to a pulp by a monster that Shitgaraki had created made her feel sick— watching any hero be beaten to a pulp by the monster made her sick.

As she watched All Might fight against the Nomu, she noticed that the hero seemed to be struggling, and she crossed her fingers in hope that he would be able to win the battle. It took a couple minutes— almost twenty— Kula may or may not of counted to help cope with the anxiety, until All Might landed his final punch that caused to Nomu to fly off and break through the dome of the USJ and end up who knows where. Letting out a sigh of relief, Kula looked back up to the entrance, where there was some commotion, and saw that the other Pro Heroes had arrived. She watched as Present Mic screamed and the other pros got to work arresting villains and preventing them from escaping.

I'm glad to see that Ms. Ito fixed the directional device. Kula thought, looking out the window to watch Kurogiri being sucked up by some strong winds just before he disappeared altogether, presumably with Shitgaraki inside being warped back to that bar hideout that they had.

"The pros will be here soon." Kula muttered to herself. She had to be honest— even if she was gong to be arrested and most likely sent to prison for what she's done— she couldn't deny the relief that was flowing through her system, she might finally be free of Shitgaraki.

Looking out the window to see the familiar R-rated hero Midnight head into the building Kula was in alongside Vlad King, Kula turned and sat back down, her back leaning against the wall as she listened to the footsteps get closer to the room she was in.

Once the two heroes were within Kula's view, the teen watched as they started cuffing the villains that hadn't already woken and escaped. It wasn't long until Midnight and Kula locked eyes, the pro standing up and placing a hand on her whip.

"If you know what's good for you, you're going to comply." Midnight said.

"Yeah yeah." Kula said, scratching the back of her head before holding her hands out in front of her. "Just get it over with."


After being handcuffed, Kula was lead out of the USJ and into a police car. Though, just before she was ushered in, there was some commotion where the students were and Kula looked to see the red head from before running over to her, a grin on his face.

"I know you're a villain and stuff, but thanks for telling us about that evil dude's plans! We were able to tell the others and get them to help make sure All Might won that battle!"

Kula looked at him, not able to respond due to being shoved into the back seat of the police car. Though before they dived away, she gave him a small smile, and watched as his face lit up more and he turned to join the rest of his class.

At least I helped the heroes... Kula thought, looking down at her handcuffed hands with a small smile, thinking that maybe, just maybe she wasn't completely evil. A second later she let out a weak laugh, "Who am I kidding, of course I am after everything I've done."

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