Chapter 40: Her Signature

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A day had passed since the Stain incident and Kula had been allowed to leave the hospital— the cut on her hand required a few stitches and some bandages but other than that she was okay to go. Because of the time she missed, Kula made sure to do everything she could around the lab. Though because of her injury she couldn't work around power tools and sharp metal, so she was moved to the design department. She was in the design department for two days before she was able to transfer to the Tailoring department.

Currently she was eating lunch in a break room, accompanied with a designer— Shunji— who Kula had kind of bonded with. They talked about mostly the same things and Kula had already learned more about designing from him.

"So, as I was saying earlier, most designers add in a little signature." He took a sip of the soda he got from the fridge. "For example two black dots, or leather jackets. Almost every designer— or designer company has a signature. If you want to make it in the Costume business— or any support course business— then you'll need to think of a signature unique to you."

Kula looked at him, "A signature unique to me." She muttered.


The days of her internship went by quickly, and before she knew it, it was the last day. Kula was working on sewing together a costume. While working with the thread, she had to take one of her gloves off because it was getting in the way when she was trying to thread the needle, keeping her pinkie up worked well, especially since the needle and thread was so thin. Though her cut from the Hero Killer incident was getting bothered with the glove rubbing against her bandages as she moved it when sewing.

When she took off her glove, there was a small rush of anxiety, but it wasn't as bad as it used to be. Maybe not being forced to use her quirk for a while helped her with her anxieties a bit, just enough for her hands not to tremble— or maybe it was because she was focused on what she was doing.

She was currently sewing a costume for a up and coming pro hero by the name of Dopple. She had been so focused on sewing that she didn't realize her pinkie finger was slowly lowering to touch the string. Only when a tailor spoke up did she realize what had happened.

"Gold thread? Since when did we have that?" Someone asked, and Kula looked up to see Shunji looking at her, seeing that she had accidentally turned the entire thread she was using into gold. With the malleability of gold and thinness of the thread she hadn't noticed a difference of what she was using.

"You didn't..." Kula said, her voice seeming far away as conflicted feelings filled her, "I did that myself... with my quirk..."

"Your quirk? Well, it looks like your quirk might be helpful in the future."

Kula tilted her head, "Uh, how so?" She asked, letting go of the thread and balling her hand nervously.

"Kula, I think that you just found your signature!"

Kula looked from Shunji to the thread, "My signature..." She muttered, she'd have to get used to her quirk, and be more open with letting others know about it, but, thinking of it as a signature of her very own made her think that her quirk could be more useful in her future than she originally thought. Maybe my quirk won't be all that bad...


And just like they started, the internships ended and it was time to head back to U.A. When she got back from her internships, Aizawa didn't even mention her involvement with the Hero Killer, and somehow that was more stressful than if he had scolded her, or said something about it. She was at school when there was suddenly a pressure on her back and arms wrapped around her.

"You're okay, Kula!" Kishi exclaimed. "When you didn't respond to my messages I got so worried!"

Kula slinked out of his grasp and turned to look at him scratching her chin sheepishly, "Sorry about that. My phone kinda broke over the week and I haven't had time to get it fixed." She said sheepishly. She wasn't lying, her phone had actually broken while she was fighting the Hero Killer.

"You could of gotten in touch with us somehow though." A new voice said and Kula looked to see Mika walking up to the two of them.

"I guess." She scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry, again."

"Well, you have a valid reason, so I can't fault you there. Mainly I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah. I'm glad I'm okay as well." Kula said, a soft expression coming over her face. Everything here is okay.


The bell rung to signify the start of class and Kula looked towards the front of the classroom, watching as Powerloader walked to the front of the class.

"Welcome back from internships everyone, I hope you all learned something during the past week. Hatsume, talk to me after class, I got some concerning reports from the company you interned at."

Hatsume saluted, a wide smile on her face. "Yes sir!"

"Anyways, onto business. Final exams are coming up for all the courses. The written portion is your typical test. It will span over three days. The practical, however, you won't know about until the day of the exams. I expect you to study in the coming weeks and be prepared for the exams."

Right, final exams... Kula thought. She had been so busy with The Sports Festival and Internships that she had forgotten all about them. Her grades were good at the moment but she knew that if she failed one final her grade could plummet. Well, all I can do now is study and hope for the best.

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